Lever floating ball steam trap, when the valve is just started, the automatic air exhaust device quickly removes the non-condensable gas in the system. When the steam and thermal condensate water enter, the temperature in the valve chamber increases, the exhaust air device automatically closes, and the float ball rises and falls according to the change of condensate water level, driving the lever to adjust the opening of the valve seat hole, and continuously discharges the condensate water. When the condensate water stops entering, the float ball drops by its weight, driving the lever to drive the spool to close the drainage seat hole. Used in steam heating equipment and condensate water recovery system and working conditions requiring rapid removal of condensate water, condensate water can be automatically, rapidly and continuously removed, effectively prevent steam leakage, and obtain the best heating effect.
Import trap function: When steam condensates, evaporation enthalpy is released to form condensate water, which contains only saturated enthalpy. In order to ensure the maximum heat transfer efficiency of the system, condensate must be removed from the system. The air and other non-condensable gases carried in the steam must also be removed from the system to form a thermal resistance layer on the steam and heat exchange surface. The basic function of the trap is to expel the condensate water, air and carbon dioxide gas from the steam system as soon as possible, and at the same time to prevent the leakage of steam to the maximum extent automatically.