Advanced IC Design And Technology Help You Solve Your Toughest Challenges
At the extremes of electrical and optical measurements, you need to make rise time measurements without being limited by scope bandwidth. You need to see your signal and not oscilloscope noise, and you need fast analysis and hardware acceleration. The Infiniium Z-Series delivers this and more with its RealEdge technology enabling 63 GHz of oscilloscope bandwidth and superior signal integrity. The Z-Series takes advantage of indium phosphide chip technology and custom thin film packaging to give you extremely low noise, low jitter, and high effective number of bits. These technologies allow you to see the true representation of your signal.
- Two channels of up to 63 GHz bandwidth in one oscilloscope frame, optimized for differential measurements
- Higher timing resolution with fast and responsive 160 GSa/s sample rate
- Deep memory (up to 2 Gpts per channel) to capture more of your signal
- Low noise and jitter measurement floor
- Deep insight into digital and RF domains with the most comprehensive application-specific software
- Up to 30 GHz probing system with flexible options to access signal under test