


  • 原油分析儀

Crude Oil Analyzer 原油分析儀

  • 型號CrudeOilAnalyzer
  • 品牌
  • 所在地廣州市
  • 更新時間2022-08-28
  • 廠商性質其他
  • 入駐年限1
  • 實名認證已認證
  • 產品數量61
  • 人氣值625

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眾鴻科技是一家高科技分析測試儀器設備供應商,致力于為中國石油化工行業(yè)用戶提供專業(yè)實驗室儀器設備及一體化解決方案技術服務。創(chuàng)建于2012年,注冊有香港眾鴻科技有限公司和廣州眾鴻科學儀器有限公司。我們已經是PAC及其下屬品牌(德國Herzog、法國ISL、荷蘭Antek、美國Alcor、加拿大Phase)、德國DeChem、荷蘭Skalar、日本Tosoh等品牌的代理商。 公司發(fā)展理念:專業(yè)專注、至誠、合作共贏,注重挖掘好的產品,致力于為中國石油化工行業(yè)用戶提供*的儀器及專業(yè)的技術支持。 我們在中國大陸設有廣州、上海2個辦事處,業(yè)務區(qū)域覆蓋華南和華東地區(qū),華南包括:廣東、廣西、海南、福建、湖南、湖北和江西,華東包括:江蘇、浙江、上海和安徽。我們在中國石油化工行業(yè)從業(yè)達20年以上,經驗豐富,用戶基礎扎實,其中技術服務人員占公司總人數的40%。10年的穩(wěn)步發(fā)展,眾鴻科技品牌在石化行業(yè)茁壯成長,我們的主要客戶:中國石化、中國石油、中國海油、中化集團、中國海關、中國質檢、第三方實驗室和石化企業(yè)。 我們愿意攜手更專業(yè)、更*的儀器生產廠商在本地區(qū)開拓市場,與我們的客戶共同成長,共享科技發(fā)展成果。About GMASS TechnologiesGMASS Technologies is a leading sales and distribution company specializing in testing equipment, research instrument and integration solution in petrochemical industry. GMASS Technologies provides high-quality instruments for its customers along with solid technical expertise and brilliant after-sales service. Up to now, GMASS Technologies has become the authorized dealer for PAC, Herzog(DEU),ISL(FRA),ANTEK(NLD),Alcor(USA), Phase(CAN), DeChem(DEU), Skalar (NLD), Tosoh (JPN)’s products in petrochemical industry.Founded in Hong Kong in 2012, GMASS Technologies has now established two branch offices in Shanghai and Guangzhou. The company leverages the collective strengths of its 15 members: two of them have more than twenty years sales experience in petrochemical industry; half of them are senior technical support specialists. In a few years, GMASS Technologies grows up healthily. We have the following customers: SINOPEC, CNPC, CNOOC, SINOCHEM, Custom, QM, Commercial lab and Petrochemical factory.GMASS Technologies strives to be the best in the market and hopes to work with more manufacturers for the better future.
原油分析儀 產品報價:面議 品牌:PAC AC 原產地:歐洲 型號:Crude Oil Analyzer
原油分析儀 產品詳情

The Crude Oil Analyzer combines the results of DHA Front End (FE) and High Temp (HT) SIMDIS analyses into one total true boiling point (TBP) report for the best performance in crude oil analysis. Standardization committees such as ASTM, IP and CEN are developing methods to allow the merging of a separate DHA analysis of the front end of a crude oil with the high temperature SIMDIS analysis. As a result of this merge, more accurate boiling point range data is obtained allowing precise cut point intervals determination for the whole crude oil. This allows for modeling end product closer to specs and ultimately less product give-away, while still meeting stringent product specifications.

The Crude Oil Analyzer (ASTM D7169) is the official standard for determination of the boiling point distribution and cut point intervals of crude oils and residues by using high temperature gas chromatography.


More Accurate Whole Crude Oil Analysis Optimizes Product Value

  • Based on high resolution DHA analysis to separate individual components for the light end of the crude oil up to and including C9 without quenching

  • Uses HT SIMDIS for the heavier components >C9 according to ASTM D7169

  • Built-in calculations ensure the amount residue (or sample recovery) is determined using an external standard

  • Intuitive AC software merges DHA and SIMDIS results into one boiling point distribution curve for the whole crude oil

  • Unique AC User Group with performance monitoring program (PMP)

  • Includes certified AC Quality Control Samples dedicated to crude oil

Proven Compliancy

  • Compliant with ASTM D7169, IP 545, IP 601 and EN 15199-3

  • Optional unique combi inlet allows analysis of both light end in crude oil (DHA FE) and light petroleum streams (naphtha/gasoline) conform ASTM D6729, D6730, D6733 and D5134

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