Input TC
TC type B - Pt30Rh-Pt6Rh (IEC 60584) 0...+1820 °C / +32...+3308 °F
TC type E - NiCr-CuNi (IEC 60584) -270…+1000 °C / -454...+1832 °F
TC type J - Fe-CuNi (IEC 60584) -210…+1200 °C / -346...+2192 °F
TC type K - NiCr-NiAl (IEC 60584) -270…+1300 °C / -454...+2372 °F
TC type N - NiCrSi-NiSi (IEC 60584) -270…+1300 °C / -454...+2372 °F
TC type R - Pt13Rh-Pt (IEC 60584) -50...+1750 °C / -58...+3182 °F
TC type S - Pt10Rh-Pt (IEC 60584) -50…+1750 °C / -58...+3182 °F
TC type T - Cu-CuNi (IEC 60584) -270…+400 °C / -454...+752 °F
Input impedance >10 MΩ
Maximum wire loop resistance In-head transmitter (including TC sensor): 5 kΩ
Cold Junction Compensation (CJC) Internal or fixed
Sensor break indication Upscale (≥21.0 mA) or downscale (≤3.6 mA) action
Output signal 4...20 mA, temperature linear
NAMUR compliance Current limitations and failure currents acc. to
Adjustable filtering level 0.4 to 26 sec.
Permissible load, see load diagram 818 Ω @ 24 VDC
General data
Isolation Not galvanically isolated
Power supply, polarity protected 6...32 VDC
Environment conditions
Ambient temperature Storage and operation -40...+85 °C / -40...+185 °F
Humidity 0...98 % RH (non-condensing)
Vibrations Acc. to IEC 60068-2-6, test Fc, 10...2000 Hz, 10 g
Rough Handling Acc. to IEC 60068-2-31:2008, test Ec
EMC Standards Directive: 2014/30/EU
Harmonized standards: EN 61326-1, EN 61326-2-3
Immunity performance ESD, Radiated EM-field, Magnetic Fields: Criteria A
Burst, conducted RF: Criteria A
Surge: standard deviation 1 % of span
RoHS, China RoHS Directive: 2011/65/EU and 2015/863/EU
Harmonized standard: EN IEC 63000
China RoHS 2
Accuracy and stability
Accuracy (Maximum of)
TC type R, S, T ±2.0 °C or ±0.2 % of span / ±3.6 °F or ±0.2 % of span
TC type B (<100 °C / <212 °F) not specified
TC type B (100 °C...400 °C / 212 °F...752 °F) ± 10 °C / ± 18 °F
TC type B (>400 °C / >752 °F) ±2.0 °C or ±0.2 % of span / ±3,6 °F or ±0.2 % of span
TC type E, J, K ±1 °C or ±0.2 % of span / ±1.8 °F or ±0.2 % of span
TC type N (-100...+1300 °C) ±1 °C or ±0.2 % of span / ±1.8 °F or ±0.2 % of span
TC type N (-270...-100 °C) ±2.0 °C / ±3.6 °F
CJC accuracy Typical ±1 °C / ±1.8 °F (max ±3 °C / ±5.4 °F)
within ambient temperature range
Warm-up time After a max. 20 minutes the accuracy specifications are reached (due to the internal cold junction)
Min. span
TC type B 700 °C / 1260 °F
TC type R, S, 300 °C / 540 °F
TC type E, J, K, T 50 °C / 90 °F
TC type N 100 °C / 180 °F
Temperature influence
TC type B, E, J, K, R, S, T ±0.02 % of span per °C / ±0.012 % of span per °F
TC type N (-100...+1300 °C) ±0.02 % of span per °C / ±0.012 % of span per °F
TC type N (-270...-100 °C) ±0.2 % of span per °C / ±0.12 % of span per °F
Supply voltage influence <±0.005 % of span per V
Long-term stability ±0.05 % of span per year