The epMotion 5075 NGS solution includes everything to start automated NGS library preparation. The basic system is an epMotion 5075t with an integrated Eppendorf ThermoMixer® to mix, heat or cool samples and reagents, and a thermal module on deck position C2 for additional temperature control. A gripper for labware transport and 2x single- and 2x 8-channel pipetting tools to cover a volume range from 1 to 300 µL. Next Generation Sequencing specific accessories (Thermoblock 96 OC, 2 x Thermoadapter 96-well, Rack ILMN tubes, ReservoirRack, Eppendorf Magnet Adapter FLX, waste bag holder) are included, plus NGS specific consumables (Eppendorf twin.tec® PCR Plate 96 semi-skirted, epT.I.P.S.® Motion pipette tips as reload system with filter PCR clean 50 µL & 300 µL plus boxes and clips, LiquidWasteTub 400 mL, 30 mL reservoirs, waste bags). The epMotion 5075 NGS solution liquid handling robot is available from stock with and without CleanCap option in all different voltage versions.