897 Sound Dosimeter/SMS-2 Kit
Designed for conducting personal noise surveys, the897 Dosimeter is versatile enough for the experienced hygienist butsimple enough for the novice technician. The data storage featureallows you to view reports on the computer or print them for uselater during inspections. Purchase the 897 by itself or in theSMS-2 kit with all of the relevant accessories, includingcalibrator, nose cone, microphone clip, wind screen, and serial andparallel printer cables.
- Digital combination sound meter and dosimeterfor checking dB exposure
- Computes sound dosage and records up to 31 hoursof data at one-minute intervals
- Threshold level selectable from 50-99dB in 1dBincrements
- Security feature locks in operatingfunction
The 897 Dosimeter Sound Measuring System...
conducts personal noise surveys to meet IEC and OSHA requirements.Used as a sound level meter, the 897 provides a quick survey oftargeted areas and identifies suspect locations. The 897 is alsoideal for industrial and environmental sound level measurements andchecking noise areas for excessive dB exposure.
Use the 897 to take measurements, or to view and print reportsusing a PC computer or printer. Reports are automatically printedon a compatible PC printer
for later use during OSHA or other official inspections. Recordeddata can also be viewed on a personal computer monitor by using anaccessory cable and other manufacturer's software.
The 897 computes dosage and records up to 31 hours, at one minuteintervals, of Lavg and Lmax readings and the number of detected 140dB peak occurrences perminute.
? Conforms to ANSI S1.4-1983, ANSI S1.25-1978, and IEC651-1979
? Choice of exchange rates (3, 4, or 5 dB) and criterion levels(70, 80, 84, 85, or
90 dB)
? Selectable threshold Level from 50-99 dB in 1 dBIncrements
? Dual range (50-100 dB and 80-130 dB)
? Real Time Clock With rechargeable battery
? Security Lockout feature with Internal Data Storage
? Self-Test Modes test operational readiness
Power Requirements: Ni-Cad Rechargeable battery pack
Warm-Up Time: 1 minute
Dimensions: 6.8" (H) x 3.1" (W) x 1.1" (D), (172x80x28mm)
Weight: 18 oz. (500g) including battery pack
Case Construction: Anodized aluminum extrusion
Security Feature: Locks-in operating function
Real Time Clock: Clock continues running in all functions
Performance Capability: Conforms to ANSI S1.4-1983 and IEC 651-1971 for sound
level function and ANSI S1.25-1978 for dosimeter functionand
ANSI S1.25-1978 for dosimeter function
Ranges: 50 to 100dB, 80 to 130dB
Accuracy: True RMS, Type S2
Dynamic Range: Selectable from 50 to 100dB and 80 to 130dB
Frequency Response Weighting: "A" Weighting
Response Time: Slow (1 second)
Crest Factor: 10:1 at maximum indication
Frequency Range: 20Hz to 8KHz
Threshold Level: Selectable from 50-99dB in 1dB increments
Criterion Level: Selectable, 70, 80, 84, 85 or 90dB
Criterion Duration (TC): Eight (8) Hours
Exchange Rate: Selectable 3, 4 or 5dB
Maximum Indication: 999.9% DOSE
Resolution: 0.1% DOSE to 999.9%
Specifications (Continued)
Elapsed Time: Displays either Hours: Minutes or Minutes: Seconds, up to 99 Hours 59
Minutes, 59 Seconds. Timing Accuracy: 0.05%
140dB Peak: Displays number of 140dB peaks that have been detected
Type: 0.52" (13.2mm) Diameter Electret Condenser, Omnidirectional 70° angle of incidence.
Maximum sound pressure level 148dB.
Numerical: 4 Digit LCD
Annunciators: Lo Batt, Spl Max, Int 60, % Dose, dBA, plus a colon and decimal point.
Operating Temperature: -10° to 50°C
Temperature Coefficient: _0.05dBper °C (25° to 50°C) for reference
measurement of 105dB at 1000Hz
Relative Humidity: <0.5dB (0-95% RH)
Storage Range: -30° to 45°C (without batteries)
Magnetic Field Influence: No effect in field of 1 oersted (80A/m)
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