USB 2.0 接口(兼容 USB 1.1)和 IEEE-488 接口(最多連接 14 臺 GPIB 儀器)
高速——傳輸速度超過 1.15MB/s
并行輪詢(一次輪詢最多檢查 8 個器件的響應)
Keysight IO 程序庫套件提供標準行業(yè)程序庫
Keysight 82357B USB/GPIB 接口適配線能夠在筆記本電腦或臺式機的USB端口與 GPIB 儀器之間建立直接連接。無需設置開關、安裝 PC 卡和使用外部電源。連接異常簡單。
Main characteristics and technical indicators
Easy connection - plug and play interface
USB 2.0 interface (compatible with USB 1.1) and IEEE 488 interface (up to 14 GPIB devices)
High speed - transmission speed over 1.15mb /s
Parallel polling (check the response of up to 8 devices in a single poll)
The Keysight IO library suite provides a standard industry library
The Keysight 82357B USB/GPIB interface adaptor provides a direct connection between the USB port of a laptop or desktop computer and the GPIB device. No need to set switches, install PC CARDS, and use external power. The connection is unusually simple.