The ARCspectro HT-2D is an ultra compact stationary Fourier transform spectrometer. Based on polarization optics it provides an extremely high sensitivity and is ideal for measurements of low light and diffusing sources (diffuse reflection and turbid media). Its unique design permits to collect light over a large angles and it has an high entrance surface of several millimeters. The operation principle prevents from problems like drift or dark noise which allows high contrasts at single shot measurements. Thanks to its 2D camera it averages over 1000 measurements in one shot! It can be used in extremely simple optical setups, no need for focusing optics. The user can directly illuminate the entrance opening with the light to be spectrally analyzed or can bring the light to the system with fiber bundles.
Typical characteristics of the HT series are
• Ultra High throughput (100x more than a grating spectrometer)
• Large spectral range: 400nm-1100nm
• Very low dark noise 0.02 counts (1024 lines averaging)
• Simple optical setup (no need for extra optics)
• Hardware and software trigger
• No drift
• Very short integration times (0.05ms)
• Variable Gain
• No moving parts
• Metallic anodized housing with useful fixation treads