Cool Red (Infrared Light Source)
The “Cool Red” borrows its name from stars that emit light mostly in the infrared part of the
spectrum. It’s designed to fill the need of light sources for infrared fiber based spectroscopy.
The Cool Red accomplishes this by a unique optical and thermal design that couples light
energy from a silicon Nitride emitter glowing at 1500 °Kelvin.
The Cool Red source works great as a compliment to Sandhouse Design's SIR line of mid-infrared analyzers, or in any general application where high intensity infrared light is needed.
This light source offers many unique features and an ergonomic design. For systems that
require optical modulation, an integrated optical shutter can be modulated at frequencies of up
to 200hz. The shutter can be driven externally through a 15 pin digital interface. If no external
drive is available, the shutter can be driven internally by an integrated adjustable square wave
generator. The frequency can be continually adjusted through the control knob on the front
panel from .5hz to 200hz.. The digital output for this signal can be taken from the same 15 pin
interface and used to synchronize other devices.