Rated Output Power 40 watts
Input For Rated Output 1.0 milliwatt max.
Power Output @ 3dB compression
Typ. 50 watts / Min. 40 watts
Power Output @ 1dB compression
Typ. 40 watts / Min. 25 watts
Flatness ±1.5 dB max.
Frequency Response dc - 1 MHz instantaneously
Gain (at max. setting) 45 dB min.
Gain Adjustment (continuous range) 18 dB min.
Input Impedance 50 ohms, VSWR 1.5:1 max.
Output Impedance 50 ohms, VSWR 2.0:1 max.
Mismatch Tolerance*
99% of rated power without foldback. Will operate without
damage or oscillation with any magnitude and phase of source
and load impedance.
Harmonic Distortion Minus 25 dBc max. at 25 watts
Third Order Intercept Point 54 dBm typ.
Primary Power (user must specify)
90 - 135 / 180 - 270 VAC
50 / 60 Hz, single phase, autoranging 400 watts max.
RF Input Type N female on front panel
RF Output Type N female on front panel
Cooling Forced air (self contained fans)
Weight 16 kg (35 lb)