CUT Membrane Technology 憑借其微過濾和超過濾管式模塊的 T-CUT 系列,可提供由含各種不同膜材料和廢品限制的 PVDF 和 PES 制成的堅固耐用型管狀/管式模塊的整個產品系列。 這些膜片被安裝在高品質支撐材料上,其耐用性和使用壽命受到大家的一致稱贊。 由于膜片具有高穩(wěn)定性并且可使用化學品清潔,T-CUT 管式模塊在應用情況下也能使用,例如在浸蝕池凈化時。T-CUT 管式模塊在金屬加工工業(yè)、油水分離和從水中分離生物量等領域的應用性也已得到證明。我們非常樂意根據您的特殊分務為您提供量身定制的模塊。
Type Description
With its T-CUT series of micro- and ultrafiltration tubular modules, CUT Membrane Technology offers a comprehensive product family of robust modules made from PVDF and PES, with very different membrane materials and cut offs. The membranes are applied on very high-quality backing material and distinguish themselves in particular by extended durability and long service life. Due to the high stability of the membrane and the possibility to clean this membrane with chemicals, T-CUT tubular modules are used very successfully in extreme applications, for instance such as the treatment of pickling baths. Further, T-CUT tubular modules have proven themselves in the metal-processing industry, for oil/water separation and the separation of biomass from water, just to name a few applications. We are glad to offer you customized modules, tailored to your specific separation task.
1)Robust and long lasting
2)Optimized membrane area
3)Suitable for high solid contents
4)Easy to clean (chemically and mechanically)