


  • Q647F/H氣動固定球閥

Q647F/H Q647F/H氣動固定球閥

  • 型號Q647F/H
  • 品牌
  • 所在地
  • 更新時間2023-08-22
  • 廠商性質生產廠家
  • 入駐年限1
  • 實名認證已認證
  • 產品數量301
  • 人氣值263
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上海寶強閥門有限公司是一家集科研、開發(fā)、生產及銷售各種高、中、低壓閥門企業(yè)。生產的各種“寶強”牌系列閥門,本公司按照iso9001質量體系標準執(zhí)行,全國各地,遠銷中東、歐美、及東南亞地區(qū),以*的質量贏得各界好評和信賴。產品分別有閘閥系列、截止閥系列、減壓閥系列、止回閥系列、安全閥系列、球閥系列、蝶閥系列、疏水閥系列、柱塞閥系列、旋塞閥系列、鍛鋼閥門系列、不銹鋼閥門系列、美標閥門系列、電站閥門系列、呼吸閥系列、隔膜閥系列、水利控制閥系列、電磁閥系列、針型閥系列、調節(jié)閥系列等……公稱通徑6mm-2000mm(1/4″-80″),公稱壓力0.1mpa-60mpa(150lb-3500lb),工作溫度-196℃-1300℃。主體材料采用:wcb.wc6、wc9、2gcr5mo、2g1,產品廣泛應用于石油、化工、冶金、電力、化肥、鋼鐵、制藥等領域。 寶強的發(fā)展,得益于正確的發(fā)展思路,品牌的建設力度,產品的優(yōu)良品質,完善的售后服務,也離不開眾多銷售精英在市場一線、宣傳寶強品牌與推廣寶強產品,寶強的壯大、是寶強人與銷售商們合作雙贏的較好佐證?! ?ldquo;命運共同,利益雙贏,產銷攜手,拓展市場”是寶強遵循的市場理念。竭誠歡迎新老顧客蒞臨本公司參觀訪問,垂詢惠顧,共創(chuàng)輝煌。 the strong valve door limited company of treasure in shanghai city is 1 to gather a research, developmentproducesell various high, mediumlow-pressure valve door a business enterprise。 the various"the treasure is strong" brand series valve door of production, our company carries out according to the iso9001 quality system standard, popular the whole whole country, sell as far as middle east, europeamerica,region in southeast asia, with superior of the qualitywin the public good opiniontrust。 the product has brake valve series, closes valve series, decompression valve series, check valve series, safe valve series, ball valve series, butterfly valve series, steam trap series, pillar to fill valve series, revolve to fill valve series, the forged steel valve door series respectively, stainless steel valve door series, the united states mark valve door series, give or get an electric shock station valve door series, breathe valve series, diaphragm valve series, water conservancy control valve series, electromagnetism valve series, needle type valve series, regulate valve series etc. ……mr. call a path 6 mms mms-2000ses1/4 ″s-80 ″s, mr. calls the pressure 0.1 mpas mpas-60ses150 lbs lbs-3500ses, working temperature-196 ℃ -1300 ℃ .corpus material adoption:wcb.wc6, wc9, 2 gcr5 moses, 2 g1s, the product is extensively applied in the petroleum, chemical engineering, metallurgy, electric powerturns fatty, steel, make a medicine etc. realm. the treasure strong development, receive benefit in the right development way of thinking, the construction strength of the brand, the good quality of the product, perfect after-sales service, also can not get away from numerous sale elites a glimmer of in the market, the publicity treasure strong brandthe expansion treasure strong product, the treasure is strong of strong, is a treasure strong personsale the companies cooperation double win of best substantial evidence. "the destiny is common, the benefits double wins, the production & sales holds hands, expand a market" is the market principle that the treasure is strong to follow.welcome new old customer to the visit of our company an interview with all sincerity, hang to inquire patronage, cr-eate brilliancy together.

球閥 不銹鋼球閥 法蘭式球閥 焊接橫死球閥 閥門系列 碳鋼球閥
Q647F/H氣動固定球閥 產品詳情


閥體 閥桿 閥球 密封面 墊片 填料 工作溫度 適用介質
WCB 1Cr13 1Cr13







F304 F316



-29-425℃ 水、蒸汽、油品
WC6 15CrMo 15CrMo -29-425℃
WC9 25Cr2MoV 25Cr2MoV
LCB 304 304 -46-354℃
CF8 304 304 -196-600℃ 部分酸、堿
CF3 304L 304L
CF8M 316 316
CF3M 316L 316L
公稱通徑DN 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700
d1 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 250 300 337 387 438 489 591 686
L 165 180 190 216 241 283 305 356 394 457 533 610 686 762 864 914 1067 1245
H 50 55 80 102 144 127 152 184 219 376 360 395 430 470 550 580 700 800
手動 H1 75 85 95 707 125 152 178 300 330 398 495 580 625 670 698 840 1050 1100
E - - - - - - - - - 116 116 171 171 257 257 257 150 83
F - - - - - - - - - 350 350 400 420 400 420 400 410 650
W 160 160 230 230 400 400 650 1050 1050 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 800 800
電動 H2 - - - - - - - - 554 600 652 760 770 830 - 940 940 1115
L1 - - - - - - - - 235 235 235 259 400 400 - 410 410 410
氣動 H3 215 240 264 274 379 389 479 552 666 736 926 1059 1127 1393 1468 1538 1538 1450
L2 200 270 270 270 405 405 576 576 776 776 776 1060 1060 1360 1360 1360 1360 2840

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電動球閥設備 面議 滁州市 安徽天康(集團)股份有限公司 2024-08-06 在線詢價


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