Service: Air And Non-Combustible, Compatible Gases.
Wetted Materials: 302 SS, Glass, Nickel, Silicon Rubber, Polyethylene, Acrylic, ABS And Brass.
Accuracy: 648B: ±0.8% FS* At Room Temperature; 648C: ±0.4% FS* At Room Temperature.
*RSS (Root Sum Square) Includes Non-Linearity, Hysteresis And Non-Repeatability.
Stability: ±1% FS/Yr.
Temperature Limits:
Operating: 0 To 170°F (-18 To 77°C);
Storage: -65 To 185°F (-54 To 85°C).
Pressure Limits: 15 Psi (100 KPa) Proof Pressure; 30 Psi (200 KPa) Burst Pressure.
Thermal Effects: 648B: ±0.025% FS/°F (0.045%/°C);
648C: ±0.020% FS/°F (0.036%/°C).
Power Requirements: 13 To 32 VDC.
Output Signal: 4 To 20 MA.
Zero And Span Adjustments: Pushbutton For Zero, Potentiometer For Span.
Response Time: Approximately 10 Ms.
Max. Loop Resistance: DC: 0 To 950 Ω.
Electrical Connection: Detachable Euro-Style Terminal Block.
Process Connections: 3/16" OD Barbed Fitting For 1/8" ID Push-On Tubing.
Housing: SS And PC+ABS Alloy.
Weight: 3.8 Oz (108 G).