mmrd 中國臺灣AXE雙輸入轉速線速控制數顯電表
精確度0.03%滿刻度(Accuracy 0.03% F.S.)
可同時量測與顯示兩組直流脈波,磁性感應器信號輸入(Dual input measuring and display Pulse(TTL,CMOS),Magnetic pick-up signal)
輸入頻率25KHz(Accepts input rates up to 25KHz)
轉速,線速可任意設定(Display type of RPM or line-speed can be modified)
感應器輸入脈波數可任意設定1至99999 (Input pulse of revolution can be modified(1~99999 pulse/revolution)
2組獨立警報功能(Two independent alarm function)(optional)
16 BIT 類比輸出功能(16 bit DAC analog output function)(optional)
數位RS-485界面(Digit RS-485 interface function)(optional)
mmrd 中國臺灣AXE雙輸入轉速線速控制數顯電表