


  • 德國耶拿氘燈

11-0402-001-21 德國耶拿氘燈




  • 型號11-0402-001-21
  • 品牌其他品牌
  • 所在地北京市
  • 更新時間2024-09-14
  • 廠商性質(zhì)代理商
  • 入駐年限3
  • 實名認證已認證
  • 產(chǎn)品數(shù)量2482
  • 人氣值105205
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北京譜飛科技有限公司主要從事紫外熒光定硫和化學(xué)發(fā)光定氮儀的生產(chǎn)和銷售,同時代理荷蘭TE  instruments  進口紫外熒光定硫儀、化學(xué)發(fā)光定氮儀和庫侖法定氯儀,公司做幾乎所有石化和鋼鐵產(chǎn)品備件,目前特別有優(yōu)勢的產(chǎn)品備件:美國waukesha辛烷值、十六烷值儀器備件,美國thermofisher硫氮氯分析儀TSTN3000、美國熱電公司的Thermo Scientific iPRO 5000 總硫分析儀、美國PHOTONLAB/S紫外熒光總硫分析儀、德國耶拿EA5000備件和英國PCS、美國PAC(ANTEK、HERZOG、ISL、ALCOR)、德國耶拿、德國ELEMENTAR、法國NORMALAB備件。



產(chǎn)地進口 加工定制
德國耶拿氘燈 產(chǎn)品詳情



德國耶拿 Analytik Jena燃燒管 402-889.510ye

德國耶拿 Analytik Jena燃燒管 402-885.010

德國耶拿 Analytik Jena燃燒管 402-890.134


德國耶拿 Analytik Jena燃燒管 402-889.510

德國耶拿 Analytik Jena燃燒管 402-885.010

德國耶拿 Analytik Jena燃燒管 402-890.134


德國耶拿進樣隔墊  402-889.557  Sealing disk, 17 mm, for plastic cap GL 18 resp. for waste vessel of sampler, set of 5 pieces


德國耶拿  402-886.305 500µl SYR H ø8Vent 1/4"-28 RN 1,0x0,7c51


德國耶拿 402-823.056 Needle; 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm; for all types of syringes; set of 3 pieces


德國耶拿 402-886.306 Needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm; for all types of syringes, 3 pieces


德國耶拿402-889.186 Removable special needles, set of 3 pieces



Consumables multi EA 5000

402-889.527 Auto-Protection valve assembly, complete

no picture available

B 402-889.091 Lids   for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 pieces

402-889.652 Flow test   kit

no picture available

A 402-889.182 Wires for   cleaning syringe needles, set of 10 pieces

402-007.513 FAST   connector, 1 piece

(adaptor angeled for gas tubings, black)

402-801.317 Fuse for   furnace unitT 10 A H, 20 mm

402-820.044 Air filter   for membrane dryer pump (at rear side of multi EA 5000), 1 piece

402-889.510 Multi   purpose combustion tube

B 402-825.045 Tweezers,   straight, truncated

B 402-889.092 Sample   vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces

(for sample rack with 112 positions)

402-889.558 PTFE   filter plate, d = 25 mm  (Auto protection replacement filter) Set of 5   pieces

402-820.129 Oxygen and   argon gas supply tubing

FEP, OD 6 mm (sold by meter), 1 m

A 402-889.306 Screw cap   with hole, GL 18

402-889.557 Sealing disk, 17   mm, for plastic cap GL 18, Set of 5 pieces

402-889.583 Special   sealing 12 mm

(FAST connector at outlet of multi   purpose combustion tube)

402-822.118 Heat   resistent gloves, 1 pair

Sampling modules

MMS 5000

402-812.374 Replacement screw

(mounting of autosampler on the basic   unit/ ABD)

A 402-823.079 Removable   needles for 50 and 100 μl syringes, set of 3 pieces

402-886.248 Waste hose

A 402-889.206 Septum for   rinsing vessel

402-889.533 Syringe 50   μl, with removable needle, without markings

402-889.534 Syringe 100   μl, with removable needle, without markings     402-889.547 Gripper for sample boats


402-889.589 Syringe 10   μl, for Autoinjector, with removable needle

recommended for higher element   concentrations and systems with carbon module

402-889.592 Syringe   100 μl, for Autoinjector, with removable needle

402-889.590 Syringe 20   μl, for Autoinjector, with removable needle

recommeded for higher element   concentrations, for systems with carbon module and for systems with only one   detector module (N or S)

402-889.591 Syringe 40   μl, for Autoinjector, with removable needle

recommended as standard syringe for N/S   systems

A 402-889.186 Removable   special needles, set of 3 pieces

402-815.839 Sealing for   sample port MBD

402-889.671 Feed    tube for MBD

402-889.672 Hook for   MBD

402-889.670 MBD   coupling tube, glass

402-889.674 Quartz   boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 pieces

402-889.560 Set of   sealing elements horizontal 402-889.673 Sample boat, special, with   downholder for special applications

(e. g. AOX by batch method, EC/OC   determination), 10 pieces

Automatic boat drive - ABD

402-889.551 ABD   coupling tube, glass

402-886.236 Sealing   for sample port ABD

A 402-881.028 Finger-Tight-Set,   1/8" for tubing, 5 ferrules and 5 screwing

A 402-889.073 Feed tube,   for MVS shunt/ABD

A 402-889.066 Hook, for   MVS shunt/ABD

suitable from MVS serial number    509 046 and higher

402-815.838 O-ring 14 mm x 4   mm for ABD

402-889.674 Quartz   boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 pieces

402-889.560 Set of   sealing elements horizontal

A 402-889.050 Septum;   12.5 mm; set of 5 pieces

402-889.673 Sample   boat, special, with downholder for special applications

(e. g. AOX by batch method, EC/OC   determination), 10 pieces

A 402-889.039 Adsorption   material, set of 3 pieces

Gas Sampling System - GSS

B 402-889.148 Replacement   septum for gas sampling bag 10 l, 1 piece

402-820.057 Ferrule   1/16", 1 piece

multi EA 5000: Ferrule for special   needle (PEEK), horizontal operation, 1 piece

402-820.123 Ferrule   for injection needle, vertical operation, 1 piece

B 402-889.147 Gas   sampling bag 10 l for GSS and GSS type C, 1 piece

A 402-889.180 Injection head   for GSS, LPG and GSS/LPG, vertical operation, complete

A 402-823.056 Needle; 0.63 mm   x 0.35 mm; for all types of syringes; set of 3 pieces

multi EA 5000: removeable injection   needle for vertical operation

402-889.423 Septum   perforated for special needle PEEK in horizontal operation mode

A 402-890.018 Special needle   for GSS,LPG and GSS/LPG, horizontal operation mode, PEEK

LPG Module and GSS/LPG combi module

402-889.439 Bubble   vessel

402-820.057 Ferrule   1/16", 1 piece

multi EA 5000: Ferrule for special   needle (PEEK), horizontal operation, 1 piece

402-820.123 Ferrule   for injection needle, vertical operation, 1 piece

A 402-889.180 Injection head   for GSS, LPG and GSS/LPG, vertical operation, complete

A 402-823.056 Needle; 0.63 mm   x 0.35 mm; for all types of syringes; set of 3 pieces

multi EA 5000: removeable injection   needle for vertical operation mode

A 402-815.058 Lab-type   screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)

multi EA 5000: for bubble vessel

A 402-881.116 O-ring,   i.d. = 6 mm x 3 mm

multi EA 5000: for screw cap GL 14   bubble vessel

402-889.423 Septum   perforated for special needle PEEK in horizontal operation mode

A 402-890.018 Special needle   for GSS,LPG and GSS/LPG, horizontal operation mode, PEEK

402-889.061 Extended   Sulfur Calibration Kit; 0,05 - 10 mg/l

402-889.060 Extended   Nitrogen Calibration Kit; 0,05 - 10 mg/l     B 402-889.070 Sulfur Calibration Kit (0.1 - 10 mg/l) incl.   blank

B 402-889.167 Sulfur   Calibration Kit (10 - 100 mg/l) incl. blank

B 402-889.164 Sulfur   Calibration Kit (100 - 500 mg/l)

B 402-889.069 Nitrogen   Calibration Kit ( 0.1 - 10 mg/l) incl. blank

B 402-889.165 Nitrogen   Calibration Kit (10 - 100 mg/l) incl. blank

B 402-889.162 Nitrogen   Calibration Kit (100 - 500 mg/l)

A 402-823.048 Membrane dryer

B 402-815.030 O-ring 3.0 mm x   1.5 mm (3 mm x 6 mm) set of 10 pieces

multi EA 5000: sealing for inner part of   membrane dryer

Sulfur Coulometer

A 402-889.313 Absorber   tube for  Sulfur coulometer, glass

402-820.110 Connecting   hose 1/8", (sold by meter), 1m

A 402-889.302 Diaphragma   for titration cell of Sulfur coulometer

A 402-889.308 Sealing   for screw cap with hole, GL 32, Sulfur coulometer

A 402-889.309 Sealing   for screw cap with hole, GL 14, Sulfur coulometer

402-889.307 Sealing for screw   cap with hole, GL 18, Sulfur coulometer

A 402-889.311 Gas introduction   tube for titration cell of Sulfur coulometer, glass

A 402-520.137 Glass   screw joint (gray)

multi EA 5000: (Screw joint for tube 8   mm)

A 402-889.301 Indicator   electrode for titration cell of Sulfur coulometer

A 402-889.303 Cathode    for titration cell of Sulfur coulometer

A 402-889.310 Stirrer   bar, titration cell, Sulfur coulometer

402-884.015 Packet with   one charge of silver wool

A 402-889.305 Screw cap with hole, GL 14   for gas introduction tube and electrodes,  Sulfur coulometer

A 402-889.306 Screw cap   with hole, GL 18

A 402-889.304 Screw cap with   hole, GL 32 Diaphragma,  Sulfur coulometer

A 402-889.314 Septa for   titration cell for Sulfur Coulometer, set a 50 pieces

402-889.300 Titration cell   for Sulfur coulometer, glass

A 402-889.312 Fitting GL   zz, for absorber tube, sulfur coulometer


B 402-886.311 Syringe   graduated 500 μl with removable needle for manual injection

B 402-885.019 Halogen   absorber, complete with U-tube

402-810.050 Halogen   absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)

A 402-885.017 High-temperature   mat, set of 3 pieces

A 402-823.056 Needle; 0.63 mm   x 0.35 mm; for all types of syringes; set of 3 pieces


multi EA 5000: removeable injection   needle for vertical operation mode

402-889.657 Condensation coil

no picture available

B 402-810.059 Special   catalyst platinum, sufficient for 5 refills

A 402-810.048 Special catalyst   platinum, one refill

B 402-886.318 Sample vials, 8   ml

50 mm x 18 mm, 125 pieces

A 402-884.005 Pump hose   for peristaltic pump, waste

A 402-881.006 Quartz   glass cullet, coarse grains, packet of 80 g

A 402-825.044 Quartz   wool, 1 packet

402-889.659 Septum TIC   vessel

402-889.658 Septum   combustion tube

no picture available

402-881.245 Set of TC   prefilter and water trap

402-889.594 Syringe   250 μl with vent and removable needle

(for autosampler)

402-889.593 Syringe   500 μl with vent and removable needle

(for autosampler)

402-889.656 TIC vessel

A 402-825.150 U-tube,   o.d. = 11 mm, without filling for halogenabsorber

(without connections)

no picture


402-889.655 Combustion   tube

Chlorine Detection

402-815.831 Hose to   connect suction extractor at workplace or vent

lengh 70 cm

402-889.549 Connecting   part (metal) for  gas transfer line

with outside thread

402-825.123 Beaker for   sulfuric acid vessel

402-889.561 Replacement hose for heated gas transfer line

402-820.053 Ferrule   for connecting part (metal)

for gas transfer line with outside   thread

402-820.055 Ferrule   for screw joint

gas transfer line with inside thread

402-889.559 Gas   transfer hose

B 402-889.071 Chlorine   Calibration Kit ( 0.1 - 10 mg/l) incl. blank B 402-889.166 Chlorine   Calibration Kit (10 - 100 mg/l) incl. blank

B 402-889.163 Chlorine   Calibration Kit (100 - 500 mg/l)

A 402-520.177 ferrule   set,  1/4" TFE

402-30003 Ferrule   set,  1/8" PTFE

402-825.124 Petri dish   for sulfuric acid vessel

402-889.569 Tubing   inside sulfuric acid vessel with ferrule

402-889.508 sulfuric   acid vessel with outlet

402-889.507 Safety   cowl for the sulfuric acid tank

402-825.108 Funnel for   sulfuric acid vessel

402-889.573 Connector   sulfuric acid vessel

A 402-30031 Swagelok   screw fitting, 1/4" onto 1/8", PTFE

Chlorine detection with chlorine module   high sensitive

B 402-890.007 Storage   vessel for sensor electrode

A 402-889.085 Mounting   to connect suction extractor at workplace, NS

14.5 brown glass

402-99998 preamplifier   for sensor electrode

A 402-889.123 Gas   introduction tube

A 402-889.124 Set of   rubber plugs; 1 x NS14, 1 x NS7

A 402-889.112 Internal   electrolyte sensor electrode, 50 ml

A 402-815.023 Magnetic   stirring bar, PTFE, 30 mm x 6 mm, 1 piece

A 402-889.006 Platinum   electrode

A 402-889.184 Electrolyte   bridge

B 402-889.110 Salt solution to   make up 100 ml electrolyte

A 402-889.002 Sensor   electrode     402-889.536 Silver electrode

Chlorine detection with titration cells   sensitive and high concentration

402-889.538 Storage   vessel for combination electrode

B 402-880.605 Disposable   tube 18 mm x 6 mm, filled

packet of 10 pieces, for AOX   determination (column method)

402-890.610 Disposable   quartz tubes 18 x 6, filled; set á 100 pieces for AOX determination (column   method)

A 402-880.211 Combination   electrode (ceramic)

A 402-815.022 Magnetic   stirring bar, PTFE, 15 mm x 6 mm, 1 piece

402-889.673 Sample   boat, special, with downholder for special applications


402-889.510 Multi purposecombustion tube


402-825.045 Tweezers, straight,truncated




Sample vials, 2 ml, setof 100 pieces




PTFE filter plate, d =25 mm (Aurotection replacementfilter)




Oxygen and argon gassupply tubing




Screw cap with hole,GL 18




Sealing disk, 17 mm,for plastic cap GL 18,set of 5 pieces




Special sealing 12 mm




Heat resistent gloves,1 pair




combustion tube fordiesel exhaustparticulates multi EA5000




Replacement screw




Removable needles for50 and 100 μl syringes,set of 3 pieces




Waste hose




Septum for rinsingvessel




Syringe 50 μl, withremovable needle,without markings




Syringe 100 μl, withremovable needle,without markings




Gripper for sampleboats




Syringe 10 μl, forAutoinjector, withremovable needle




Syringe 100 μl, forAutoinjector, withremovable needle




Syringe 20 μl, forAutoinjector, withremovable needle




Syringe 40 μl, forAutoinjector, withremovable needle




Removable specialneedles, set of 3pieces




Sealing for sample portMBD




Feed tube for MBD




Hook for MBD




MBD coupling tube,glass




Quartz boat, 40 mm x9 mm, set of 10 pieces




Set of sealingelements horizontal

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