一、產(chǎn)品概述(Product Overview)
Micro-arc unit the micro-machine technology for grid voltage monitoring alarm and remote distance to use computer fast, accurate data processing for fault alarm, and so on. The system voltage acquisition, accurate identification of the metal ground fault, arcing ground, disconnected, ferromagnetic resonance, and so on.
The unit of the electricity system in operation are accurate, quick, and better for the monitoring of the protection, and features, and real-time record of fault and failure occurred at a time. The unit can be used for power plants, substation and iron and steel, coal, petrochemical and large mines and factories of the electrical system.
2.功能及特點(Functions and features)
u 模塊化設計,結構緊湊,高速ARM核處理器使運算實時性和動作準確性得以保證;
Modular design, compact structure, high-speed ARM core processor the operator real-time and motion accuracy is guaranteed.
u 實時監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)狀態(tài),對出現(xiàn)的異常運行狀態(tài)做出準確判斷,并作出及時動作;
Real-time monitoring of system status, and to the Exception run status to make an accurate judgment, and to operate in a timely fashion.
u 工業(yè)標準的RS-485通訊接口,可以向上位機傳送系統(tǒng)的運行狀態(tài);
Industry-standard RS - 485 communication interface, you can pull up a transport system of running;
u 故障追憶功能,顯示最近10次歷史故障記錄;
The Recall feature, displays the most recent 10 historical fault history.
u 具有良好的電磁兼容性,適合在強電磁干擾的復雜環(huán)境中應用;
With a good electromagnetic compatibility and is suitable for the strong electromagnetic interference in a complex environment;
u 雙硬件看門狗電路確保軟件運行的可靠性;
Double-hardware watchdog circuitry ensures that software reliability.
u 中文液晶顯示,運行狀態(tài)清晰,菜單式操作,方便易用。
Chinese LCD display, running clear, menu-driven, easy-to-use.
3.信號燈及按鍵說明:(Light and press the key description)
Running: Running lights, flashing frequency 1 Hz;
WARNING:failure indications, the system up and running off.
Communications: from far away, light is blinking.
u +、-、↑、↓:菜單選擇和參數(shù)調(diào)整按鍵;
+,-, ↑, And ↓: menu selection and parameter adjustment keys;
Confirmation: Enter the sub-menu and confirm Parameter Set key.
Cancel: return to previous menu and cancel Parameter Set key.
reset: the system re-start button.
4.工作原理(Working principle)
Micro-arc unit is based on voltage transformer for Voltage Signal and design of the product. Unit overall structure is shown in the following figure: the micro-processing unit modules, Signal Acquisition Module , keyboard control module, power the unit module, LCD display module, alarm signal modules and communications modules.
二、操作說明 (operating instructions)
The arrival at the scene, a unit test and the power requirements for DC 220 V ± 10 %. In the pre-test the power supply polarity is correct.
1.通電開機后液晶屏顯示:(power up after power on LCD display)
2.顯示界面:(Display Interface)
When the unit is powered, the system operating voltage and current time. You can press key to display an Interface to switch.
如下圖所示: (As shown in the following figureJ
三相電壓:(Three-phase voltages:)
開口諧波電壓:(Opening harmonic voltages.)
3.按下“確認”按鍵進入主菜單界面:(Press the "confirm" key to enter the main menu interface:)
Through the "↑ ↓" buttons Select action items, invert the colors of the selected item appears. Press "confirm" to enter the submenu to operate interface. Main menu consists of 6 items.
4.故障記錄(Fault History)
Through the "↑ ↓" hard to find 10 recent fault history. Press "Cancel" to return to the main menu, press the "-" key to clear the memory record.
5.時間設定(Time setting)
By pressing the "↑ ↓" button and select change time parameters (checked items to invert the colors on the display), the "+,-" button to modify the time, the "confirm" button to save the new settings, the "Cancel" button does not save new settings and return to the main menu.
6.通訊設置(Communications settings)
By pressing the "↑ ↓" buttons select modify parameters (checked items to invert the colors on the display), the "+,-" button to modify the parameters corresponding to the, "confirm" button to save the new set of parameters, the "Cancel" button without the stand to save the new settings and return to the main menu.
7.參數(shù)設置(Parameter settings)
By pressing the "↑ ↓" buttons select modify parameters (checked items to invert the colors on the display), the "+,-" button to modify the parameters corresponding to the, "confirm" button to save the new set of parameters, the "Cancel" button without the stand to save the new settings and return to the main menu.
8.傳動試驗(Drive test)
通過按“↑↓”按鍵選擇修改參數(shù)項(選中項反色顯示),“確認”按鍵來修改對應的參數(shù) “取消”按鍵不保存新設置的站號并返回上級菜單。
By pressing the "↑ ↓" buttons select modify parameters (checked items to invert the colors on the display), the "confirm" button to modify the parameters corresponding to the "Cancel" button to save the new settings and return to the parent menu.
9.出廠設置(Factory settings)
Press the "Confirm" restore the factory parameter settings.
三、使用環(huán)境(Use environment)
1. 海拔高度:小于2000m,特殊情況下可達4000m;
Altitude above sea level: Less than 2000 M, in exceptional circumstances, up to 4000 m.
2. 工作環(huán)境溫度:-10℃- 60℃;
Working environment temperature:-10 ℃-60 ℃;
3. 空氣相對濕度:90% (25℃)、50% (40℃)
Air humidity: 90 % (25 °C), 50 per cent (40 °C)
4. 使用地點不得有腐蝕性氣體、蒸汽、導電塵埃,不得有爆炸性氣體和破壞絕緣性氣體;
Use conductive place without corrosive gas, vapour, dust, there shall be no explosive gases and destruction of insulation gas
5. 安裝地點具有防風、防雨和防塵設施。
Installation locations with wind-proof, rain-proof and dust-proof facilities.
四、裝置端子接線圖(equipment terminals wiring diagram)
1 . 端子A定義:(Terminal A definition:)
u A16 UA電壓信號;(A16 UA voltage signal)
u A15 UB電壓信號;(A15 UB voltage signal;)
u A14 UC電壓信號;(A14 Uc voltage signal;)
u A12~A13 UO電壓信號;(A12~A13 U0 voltage signal;)
u A8~A10 CT信號輸入;(A8~A10 CT input signal)
u A7~A9 PT開口三角輸入端;(A7~A9 PT open-Delta input terminal)
u A4~A6 接地公共端(A4~A6 grounding public side)
u A1~A3 RS485信號。(A1~A3 RS485 signal.)
2 . 端子B定義:(Terminal B definition:)
u B19~B20 信號公共端;(B19 ~B20 signal public port)
u B16 遠端復位信號;(B16 Remote reset signal)
u B13~B15 高壓限流熔斷器熔斷接口;
(B13~B15 high voltage current-limiting fuse interface;)
u B12 隔離開關輔助接點輸入接口;(B12 isolation switch auxiliary contacts input interface)
u B9~B11 反映三只真空接觸器是否合閘;(B9~B11 reflect three vacuum contactors switching)
u B7~B8 分閘信號輸出端,在有信號時,可令已合閘某一相真空接觸器分開,在永磁式真空接觸器使用;(B7~B8 opening signal output signal, is closing a separate vacuum contactor, permanent magnetism vacuum contactor.)
u B1~B6 合閘信號輸出端,在有信號時,可令相應真空接觸器合閘。(B1~B6 switching signal output signal, can make the appropriate vacuum contactors switching.)
3 . 端子C定義:(Terminal C definition:)
u C15~C16 裝置工作電源輸入;(C15~C16 unit power input;)
u C11~C13 接地公共端子;(C11~C13 grounding public terminal;)
u C9 ~C10 接地報警信號;(C9 ~C10 grounding alarm signal)
u C7~C8 失電報警信號;(C7~C8 power failure alarm signals)
u C5~C6 斷線報警信號;(C5~C6 disconnection alarm signal)
u C3~C 4 諧振報警信號;(C3~C 4 resonant alarm signal;)
五、安裝尺寸(mm) Installation Size (mm)
六.通訊規(guī)約 Communications statute
MODBUS(RTU模式)通訊規(guī)約,采用RS-485, 波特率為9600BPS,1位起始位,8位數(shù)據(jù)位,無校驗,1位停止位,共10位。裝置出廠時站址和通訊波特率已設好了,站址為01。CRC校驗權值為CRC-16=X16+X15+X5+1 主站詢問下行報文格式:
MODBUS (RTU mode) communication protocol, RS-485, baud rate 9600BPS,1 the start bit, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and a total of 10. Appliance factory sites and communication baud rate is set, site is 01. CRC checking weight CRC-16=X16+X15+X5+1 main site then ask for downlink message format:
Address + Function Code + Start Address + field length + 16-bit CRC verification code
地址 | 功能碼 | 起始地址 | 數(shù)據(jù)字長度 | CRC校驗碼 | |||
ADD | 03H | 00H | 00H | 00H | 02H | CRC高 | CRC低 |
從站應答上行報文格式:Answer from station uplink message format:
Address + Function Code + field length + data length + 16-bit CRC verification code
地址 | 功能碼 | 字節(jié)長度 | 數(shù)據(jù) | CRC校驗碼 | |
ADD | 03H | 04H | 4字節(jié) | CRC高 | CRC 低 |
Address | Function Code | field length | data | CRC verification code | |
ADD | 03H | 04H | 4字節(jié) | CRC高 | CRC 低 |
數(shù)據(jù)格式定義:Data format definition:
地址 | 狀態(tài)定義 | 備注 |
0000H | 隔離刀閘位置 | =00 00H(分狀態(tài)); =00 01H(合狀態(tài)) ; |
0001H | A相熔絲狀態(tài) | =00 00H(正常); =00 01H(熔斷) ; |
0002H | B相熔絲狀態(tài) | =00 00H(正常); =00 01H(熔斷) ; |
0003H | C相熔絲狀態(tài) | =00 00H(正常); =00 01H(熔斷) ; |
0004H | 動作相位 | =00 00H(正常) ; =00 01H (A相動作) ; =00 02H (B相動作) ; =00 04H (C相動作) ; |
0005H | 故障屬性 | =00 00H (正常) ; =00 01H (弧光接地) ; =00 02H (金屬接地) ; =00 04H (PT斷線) ; |
0006H | 諧振故障 | =00 00H (正常);=00 01H (三分頻) ;=00 02H (二分頻); =00 04H (工頻) ;=00 08H (三倍頻) ; |
0007H ~000AH | PT電壓(Ua,Ub,Uc,U0) | BIN格式(如0039H,為57V) |
000BH ~000FH | PT開口諧振電壓 (三分頻、二分頻,工頻,三倍頻) | BIN格式(如0039H,為57V) |
Address | State Definition | 備注 |
0000H | Isolation switch location | =00 00H(分狀態(tài)); =00 01H(合狀態(tài)) ; |
0001H | A The Fuse Status | =00 00H(正常); =00 01H(熔斷) ; |
0002H | B The Fuse Status | =00 00H(正常); =00 01H(熔斷) ; |
0003H | C The Fuse Status | =00 00H(正常); =00 01H(熔斷) ; |
0004H | Action phase | =00 00H(正常) ; =00 01H (A相動作) ; =00 02H (B相動作) ; =00 04H (C相動作) ; |
0005H | Fault property | =00 00H (正常) ; =00 01H (弧光接地) ; =00 02H (金屬接地) ; =00 04H (PT斷線) ; |
0006H | Resonance fault | =00 00H (正常);=00 01H (三分頻) ;=00 02H (二分頻); =00 04H (工頻) ;=00 08H (三倍頻) ; |
0007H ~000AH | PT voltage (Ua,Ub,Uc,U0) | BIN格式(如0039H,為57V) |
000BH ~000FH | PT開口諧振電壓 (三分頻、二分頻,工頻,三倍頻) | BIN格式(如0039H,為57V) |
注:刀閘的默認值是分狀態(tài)。Note: the switch's default value is status.
例:若設備地址為1 Example: If the device address is 1
1.讀取狀態(tài)數(shù)據(jù): Read status data:
主站發(fā)送:01 03 00 00 00 06 C5 C8 ,其中 C5 C8為CRC校驗碼;
設備回應:01 03 0C 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 97 8C,其中97 8C為CRC校驗碼。
The station sent: 01 03 00 00 00 06 5 C C 8, where C C 5 8 CRC verification code.
Device Response: 01 03 0 C 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 97 8 C, 97 8 C CRC for verification code.
At this point, the switch in the State, other States are normal.