Description: Instruction Thisvalveisusedforpowerplantboilers,pressurecontainers,pressureandtemperaturereducingdevicesandotherfacilities. Structure briefing 1.Thesafetyvalve shallbe installedwertically andit wouldbe betterto installthe valvedirectly uponthe adaptorof thecontcuner orthe pipe.Theinsidediameter ofthe adapforshall beno lessthan thatof theinlet pipeof thesofty valve. 2. To avoid the thermal stress that is caused by the thermalexpansionofthedischargepipe,theexitwayofthesafatyvalve shall be expansion with appropriate expansion joint. Theinsidediameter of the discharge pipe should larger than the diameter oftheexitwayofthevalve.Itslengthshallbeasshortaspossible andnobentisallowed.Theweightofboththedischargepipeand the expansion jointshall not be applied to the safety valve, andtheyshallbefasteneduponthecon-struction.Thedistancebetween bothcenterlinesofthedischargepipeandthebodyshall beasshort aspossible. Awaterdrainagepipeshallbeinstalledseparatelyfor eachsafetyvalve. 3.Theexitwayofthemufflershallhaveenougharea,inorder toavoidproducingbackpressurethatwouldaffectthedischarge capabilityofthevalve. A48Y | A48Y-C 型適用于溫度≤425℃; A48Y-V型適用于溫度≤550℃的電站鍋爐、壓力容器、減溫減壓裝置上,作為超壓保護(hù)裝置。 | A48Y-C type applicable temperature are less than 425℃; A48Y-V type is suitable for the exceeding pressure protective equipment, their working temperature is 550℃ or less. Such as the boiler used in powerstation,pressure ontainer,pressure reducing and temperature reducing machine. | 主要外形及連接尺寸 Main external and connecting dimensions | Type | DN Nominal diameter | Connecting dimensions (mm) | L | L1 | H | D | D1 | D2 | b | Z- d | DN1 | D' | D1' | D2' | b' | Z1-d1 | A48Y-P543.82V | 65 | 190 | 190 | 853 | 220 | 170 | 110 | 50 | 8-25 | 150 | 300 | 250 | 204 | 30 | 8-25 | A48Y-10 | 80 | 190 | 190 | 853 | 230 | 180 | 121 | 50 | 8-25 | 150 | 300 | 250 | 204 | 30 | 8-25 | A48Y-10 | 65 | 190 | 190 | 853 | 220 | 170 | 110 | 50 | 8-25 | 150 | 300 | 250 | 204 | 30 | 8-25 | A48Y-P543.82V | 80 | 190 | 190 | 853 | 230 | 180 | 121 | 50 | 8-25 | 150 | 300 | 250 | 204 | 30 | 8-25 | A48Y-20 | 65 | 210 | 210 | 933 | 260 | 203 | 97 | 55 | 8-30 | 150 | 300 | 250 | 204 | 30 | 8-25 | A48Y-P545.29V | 65 | 210 | 210 | 933 | 260 | 203 | 97 | 55 | 8-30 | 150 | 300 | 250 | 204 | 30 | 8-25 | A48Y-20 | 80 | 210 | 210 | 933 | 260 | 203 | 116 | 60 | 8-34 | 150 | 300 | 250 | 204 | 30 | 8-25 | A48Y-P545.29V | 80 | 210 | 210 | 933 | 290 | 230 | 116 | 60 | 8-34 | 150 | 300 | 250 | 204 | 30 | 8-25 | A48Y-20 | 80 | 210 | 210 | 933 | 290 | 230 | 116 | 60 | 8-34 | 150 | 300 | 250 | 204 | 30 | 8-25 | A48Y-P5410V | 80 | 210 | 210 | 933 | 290 | 230 | 116 | 60 | 8-34 | 150 | 300 | 250 | 204 | 30 | 8-25 | A48Y-20 | 65 | 210 | 210 | 933 | 290 | 230 | 116 | 60 | 8-34 | 150 | 300 | 250 | 204 | 30 | 8-25 | A48Y-P5410V | 65 | 210 | 210 | 933 | 290 | 230 | 116 | 60 | 8-34 | 150 | 300 | 250 | 204 | 30 | 8-25 | 1. Tianzheng Brand safety valve is noted for elegant design, noleakage,settingpressureprecision, greatlydischarge andeasily adjusted. 2. Nozzle seat: It is the Loware nozzle typeseat. Thesteamreachesthevelocityofsoundwhenpassingtheexitwayoftheseat. Thesealingsurfaceisweldedbycobalthardalloy,Largedisplac- ement coefficient,anti-friction, corrosion resistance and longdurabilityarerecognized 3.Thermoelasticdisc: thedisc isof thermoelastic structure. Takingtheadvantageofitsminorout-of-shapefeaturewhenunder the medium pressure, the seal ability has been raised, and theproblemthatpre-dischargephenomenonofthemainsafetyhappens whenthemediumpressureapproachingthesetpressurehasbeen overcome.Thesealedsurfaceof thedischasadoptedtheadvanced technology of heat hardening to increase the hardness and theabilityofanti-frictionandcorrosion resistance. 4. Adjustingnut: adjust the compression amount of spring bysuingpetnutsothatthevalvecanacquireappropriatesetpressure rapidlyandeasily. 5.Backpressureadjustingsleeve: itisanauxiliaryapparatus thatservestoadjustthebackpressureofthedisctoacquireappr- opriatedif-ferentialpressureforseatreturning. Ifadjustupward, thebackpressureofvalvereduces.Ifadjustdownward,theback pressurerises. Installation instruction |