鋁合金電力電纜Aluminum Alloys Power Cable
Execution standardGB/T31840-2015、NB/T42051-2015
二、電纜名稱型號及規(guī)格見下表Name cable type andspecificationsee the table below
型號Type | 名稱The name says |
V(YJ)LHV | 鋁合金芯聚氯乙烯(交聯(lián)聚乙烯)絕緣聚氯乙烯護(hù)套電力電纜 Aluminum conductor, PVC (cross-linked polyethylene) insulated PVC sheathed power cable |
V(YJ)LHV22 | 鋁合金芯聚氯乙烯(交聯(lián)聚乙烯)絕緣鋼帶鎧裝聚氯乙烯護(hù)套電力電纜 Aluminum conductor, PVC (cross-linked polyethylene) insulation tape armored PVC sheathed power cable |
V(YJ)LHV23 | 鋁合金芯聚氯乙烯(交聯(lián)聚乙烯)絕緣鋼帶鎧裝聚乙烯護(hù)套電力電纜 Aluminum conductor,PVC (cross-linked polyethylene) insulation tape armored PE sheathed power cable |
V(YJ)LHV32 | 鋁合金芯聚氯乙烯(交聯(lián)聚乙烯)絕緣細(xì)鋼絲鎧裝聚氯乙烯護(hù)套電力電纜 Aluminum conductor, PVC (cross-linked polyethylene) insulated fine steel wire armored PVC sheathed power cable |
V(YJ)LHV33 | 鋁合金芯聚氯乙烯(交聯(lián)聚乙烯)絕緣細(xì)鋼絲鎧裝聚乙烯護(hù)套電力電纜 Aluminum conductor, PVC insulated fine steel wire (cross-linked polyethylene) armoring, PE sheathed power cable |
YJLHVS(6) 2 | 鋁合金芯聚氯乙烯(交聯(lián)聚乙烯)絕緣鋁合金帶聯(lián)鎖鎧裝聚氯乙烯護(hù)套電力電纜 Aluminum conductor, PVC (cross-linked polyethylene) insulation aluminum alloy with interlocking armored PVCsheathed power cable |
YJLHY S(6)3 | 鋁合金芯聚氯乙烯(交聯(lián)聚乙烯)絕緣鋁合金帶聯(lián)鎖鎧裝聚乙烯護(hù)套電力電纜 Aluminum conductor, PVC (cross-linked polyethylene) insulation aluminum alloy with interlocking armoured PEsheathed power cable |
Note: conductor material for rare earth high iron alloy, rare earth shall be indicated in the name of high-speed aluminium alloy: if there is Arequirement for flame retardant can add Z to the model (A, B, C, D), NH are added into the model, with the presence of low smokecable WDZ are added into the model (A, B, C, D), the waterproof requirement of FS
阻燃Flame retardant........................................................................................................................................Z(R)
耐火 Refractory......................................................................................................................................................NH
低煙無鹵 Low smoke zero halogen.............................................................................................................WDZ
阻燃等級Flame retardant grade......................................................................................................A、B、C、D
鋁合金芯 Aluminum alloy core..........................................................................................................................LH
交聯(lián)聚乙烯絕緣 Cross-linked polyethylene insulation................................................................................YJ
聚氯乙烯護(hù)套 PVC sheathed...........................................................................................................................V、2
聚乙烯護(hù)套 PEsheathed....................................................................................................................................V、3
鋼帶鎧裝 Steeltape armoured...............................................................................................................................2
細(xì)鋼絲鎧裝 Fine steelwire armoured..................................................................................................................3
鋁合金帶聯(lián)鎖鎧裝 Aluminum alloy with interlocking armoured........................................................S、6
The excellent properties of aluminum alloy cable
Creep resistance of aluminum alloy conductor alloy materials andannealing treatment reduced the conductor under heat and pressure of"creep" tendency, relative to the pure aluminum, creep resistance increasedby 300%, to avoid the problems caused by cold flow or creep relaxation.
Thermal expansion coefficient of thermal expansion coefficient ofaluminium alloy and copper, basically are in complete accord with theexpansion and contraction of the connector.
The electrical connection in the connection performance - made ofaluminum alloy with copper conductor manufacturing as security andstability of the connection, the composition of aluminum alloy greatlyimprove the connection performance, when the conductor annealing.adding iron to produce high strength and creep resistance, even in along time when overload and overheat, can guarantee the stability ofconnection.
Weight bearing capacity is strong, aluminum alloy improved thetensile strength of pure aluminum, aluminum alloy of every cable cansupport 4000 meters in length, the copper cable can support 2750 meters.
Anti-corrosion performance - aluminum alloy in air quickly form athickness of about 2 x 10-4 was compact oxidation film, prevent theinternal metal was further corrosion, and copper could not form oxidationfilm, especially the connection point.
Electrochemical corrosion, the corrosion resistance of aluminumalloy is better than that of copper. Flexibility - aluminum alloy unique alloyformula and processing technology, to improve the flexibility. Aluminumalloy flexibility is 30% higher than copper.
Bending performance - the bending performance is very poor, purealuminum bending is easy to break, break, aluminum alloy is lower thancopper 40%, elasticity during the installation process easier to bendeffectively reduce the installation cost, reduce the risk of accidents.
Armoured features - aluminum alloy armoured cable bendingperformance is good, the smallest bending radius is better than that ofcopper; High mechanical strength, tensile properties, compressiveproperties and impact resistance; Insect-resistant ant, mice bite; Lightweight, easier to install
五、產(chǎn)品結(jié)構(gòu)示意圖Product structure diagram
銅纜線芯截面 Copper core cross sectionm mm2 | 90℃時(shí)銅芯電纜載流量 (A)空氣中敷設(shè) 90℃Copper core cablecurrent carryingVolume( A ) installed in air | 90℃時(shí)銅芯電纜載流量 (A) 埋地敷設(shè) 90℃copper core powerCable current-carryingcapacity (A)Buried laying | 鋁合金線芯截 Aluminum alloy wirecutting(mm') | 90℃鋁合金電纜載流量 (A)空氣中敷設(shè) 90℃hafnium alloy cablecurrent carryingVolumeinstalled in air | 90℃ 鋁合金電纜載流量(A)埋地敷設(shè) 90℃Hafnium alloy cablecurrent carryingVolume ( A ) buried |
16 | 105 | 125 | 25 | 102 | 117 |
25 | 134 | 159 | 35 | 127 | 139 |
35 | 164 | 189 | 50 | 155 | 170 |
50 | 200 | 225 | 70 | 195 | 205 |
70 | 252 | 227 | 120 | 277 | 282 |
95 | 304 | 324 | 150 | 315 | 316 |
120 | 355 | 370 | 185 | 366 | 361 |
150 | 407 | 417 | 240 | 435 | 417 |
185 | 462 | 462 | 300 | 484 | 464 |
240 | 551 | 542 | 400 | 593 | 542 |
300 | 630 | 611 | 500 | 680 | 612 |
400 | 747 | 699 | 630 | 803 | 699 |
七、電纜的使用條件Theuse condition ofthe cable
1,電纜額定電壓等級U/U(Um)標(biāo)示如下: 0.6/1(1.2)、1.8/3(3.6)、6/6(7.2)、6/10(12)、8.7/10(12)、8.7/15/(17.5)、12/20(24).
1.The cable is rated voltage grade U0 /U (Um) labeled as follows: 0.6/1 (1.2), 1.8/3 6/6 6/6 (3.6),(7.2), (12),(12),(17.5)/8.7/15 8.7/10 122012/20(24)(36),21/35(40.5)2/35 kV(40.5))
2. The crosslinking polyethylen insulated cable conductor of the highest working temperature is 90 ", rated short circuit when (the longestduration of no more than 5 s), cable conductor of the highest temperature does not exceed 250 C.
3.The cable and installation allows the temperature is not lower than 0 C, the cable, buried cable axis and the ground distance is 700 mm.
4. The bending radius: no armoured cable should be not ess than 15 times of cable diameter. armored cable should be not less than 20 timesof cable diameter.