Voltage Input
Modes A only, -B only or Differential (A-B)
Full-scale Sensitivity
0.5 Hz ?/font> F ?/font> 250 kHz 10 nV to 1 V in a 1-2-5 sequence
250 kHz < F ?/font> 2.0 MHz 100 nV to 1 V in a 1-2-5 sequence
Max. Dynamic Reserve > 100 dB
Impedance 100 MW // 25 pF
Maximum Safe Input 20 V pk-pk
Voltage Noise 5 nV/?/font>Hz @ 1 kHz
C.M.R.R. > 100 dB @ 1 kHz
Frequency Response 0.5 Hz to 2.0 MHz
Gain Accuracy ?.3% typ, ?.6% max. (full bandwidth)
Distortion -90 dB THD (60 dB AC gain, 1 kHz)
Line Filter attenuates 50, 60, 100, 120 Hz
Grounding BNC shields can be grounded or floated via 1 kW to ground
Current Input
Mode Low Noise, Normal or Wide Bandwidth
Full-scale Sensitivity
Low Noise 10 fA to 10 nA in a 1-2-5 sequence
Normal 10 fA to 1 礎 in a 1-2-5 sequence
Wide Bandwidth
F ?/font> 250 kHz 1 pA to 100 礎 in a 1-2-5 sequence
F > 250 kHz 10 pA to 100 礎 in a 1-2-5 sequence
Max. Dynamic Reserve > 100 dB
Frequency Response (-3 dB):
Low Noise ?/font> 500 Hz
Normal ?/font> 50 kHz
Wide Bandwidth ?/font> 1 MHz
Low Noise < 2.5 kW @ 100 Hz
Normal < 250 W @ 1 kHz
Wide Bandwidth < 25 W @ 10 kHz
Low Noise 13 fA/?/font>Hz @ 500 Hz
Normal 130 fA/?/font>Hz @ 1 kHz
Wide Bandwidth 1.3 pA/?/font>Hz @ 1 kHz
Gain Accuracy ? 0.6% typ, midband
Line Filter attenuates 50, 60, 100, 120 Hz
Grounding BNC shield can be grounded or floated via 1 kW to ground
Reference Channel
TTL Input
Frequency Range 0.5 Hz to 2.0 MHz
Analog Input
Impedance 1 MW // 30 pF
Sinusoidal Input
Level 1.0 V rms*
Frequency Range 0.5 Hz to 2.0 MHz
Squarewave Input
Level 250 mV rms
Frequency Range 2 Hz to 2 MHz
*Note: Lower levels can be used with the analog input at the expense of increased phase errors
Phase Set Resolution 0.001?/font> increments
Phase Noise at 100 ms TC, 12 dB/octave slope:
Internal Reference < 0.0001?/font> rms
External Reference < 0.01?/font> rms @ 1 kHz
Orthogonality 90?/font> ?.0001?/font>
Acquisition Time
Internal Reference instantaneous acquisition
External Reference 2 cycles + 50 ms
Reference Frequency Meter Resolution 1 ppm or 1 mHz, whichever is the greater
DemodulatorOutput Processing
Output Zero Stability
Digital Outputs No zero drift on all settings
Displays No zero drift on all settings Not Available
Analog Outputs < 5 ppm/?/font>C
Harmonic Rejection -90 dB
Output Filters
X, YR outputs only
Time Constant 1 祍 to 1 ms in a 1-2-5 sequence,4 ms
Slope (roll-off) 612 dB/octave
All outputs
Time Constant 5 ms to 100 ks in a 1-2-5 sequence
Slope 6, 12, 1824 dB/octave
Synchronous Filter Available for F < 20 Hz
Offset AutoManual on X and/or Y: ?00% full-scale
Absolute Phase Measurement Accuracy ?/font> 0.01?/font>
Range 0.5 Hz to 2.0 MHz
Setting Resolution 1 mHz
Absolute Accuracy ? 50 ppm
Distortion (THD) -80 dB @ 1 kHz100 mV rms
Amplitude (rms)
Range 1 mV to 1 V
Setting Resolution 1 mV
Accuracy ?.2%
Stability 50 ppm/?/font>C
Output Impedance 50 W
Amplitude Sweep
Output Range 0.000 to 1.000 V rms
Law Linear
Step Rate 20 Hz maximum (50 ms/step)
Frequency Sweep
Output Range 0.5 Hz to 2.0 MHz
Law Linear or Logarithmic
Step Rate 20 Hz maximum (50 ms/step)
Auxiliary Inputs
ADC 1, 2, 34
Maximum Input ?0 V
Resolution 1 mV
Accuracy ?0 mV
Input Impedance 1 MW // 30 pF
Sample Rate
ADC 1 only 40 kHz max.
ADC 12 17.8 kHz max.
Trigger Mode Internal, External or burst
Trigger Input TTL compatible
Main Analog (CH1CH2) Outputs:
Function X, Y, R, q, Noise, Ratio, Log RatioUser Equations 1 & 2.
Amplitude ?.5 V full-scale; linear to ?00% full-scale
Impedance 1 kW
Update Rate
X, Y or R @ TC ?/font>4 ms 7.5 MHz
All outputs @ TC ?/font>5 ms 1 kHz
Signal Monitor
Amplitude ? V FS
Impedance 1 kW
Auxiliary D/A Output 12:
Maximum Output ?0 V
Resolution 1 mV
Accuracy ?0 mV
Output Impedance 1 kW
8-bit Digital Port 0 to 8 lines can be configured as inputs, with the remainder being outputs. Each output line can be set high or loweach input line read to allow interaction with external equipment. Extra line acts as trigger input
Reference Output
Waveform 0 to 3 V rectangular wave, active in External Reference Mode only
Impedance TTL-compatible
Power - Low Voltage ?5 V at 100 mA rear panel 5-pin 180?DIN connector for powering SIGNAL RECOVERY preamplifiers
Data Storage Buffer
Size 32k ?16-bit data points, may be organized as 1?2k, 2?6k, 3?0.6k, 4?k, etc.
Max Storage Rate
From LIA up to 1000 16-bit values per second
From ADC1 up to 40,000 16-bit values per second
User Settings
Up to 8 complete instrument settings can be saved or recalled at will from non-volatile memory Not available
RS232GPIB (IEEE-488). A second RS232 port is provided to allow "daisy-chain" connectioncontrol of up to 16 units from a single RS232 computer port
Power Requirements
Voltage 110/120/220/240 VAC
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Power 200 VA max
Width 17?quot; (435 mm)
Depth 19" (485 mm)
With feet 6" (150 mm)
Without feet 5?quot; (130mm)
Weight 25.4 lb (11.5 kg)