The main technical parameters and functions
Antenna Type / Material Measurement Accuracy: ± 1mm ??measuring range: -40 - +200 m
A horn antenna Φ48mm / Stainless steel 316L Seal / Process temperature: 1.VITON (-60-150) ℃
TB horn antenna Φ78mm / Stainless steel 316L 2.KAIREZ (-60-250) ℃ 3. Graphite (-60-400) ℃
TC horn antenna Φ98mm / stainless steel 316L electronic components: A (4-20) MAHAR two-wire, B (4-20) mA
Horn antenna Φ123mm / stainless steel 316L (22.8-26.4) V DC / MODBUS four-wire system
SC horn antenna Φ98mm/PP / with PTFE cover C (198-242) v AC / MODBUS four-wire system
SD Horn Φ123mm/PP/PTFE cover Housing / protection class: L aluminum / IP67, Pplastic / IP66D, aluminum dual chamber / IP67
VC horn antenna Φ98mm / stainless steel 316L/IP67 316L/PTFE cover Q
VD horn antenna Φ123mm / stainless steel 316L/PTFE cover cable entry
VF horn antenna Φ198mm stainless steel 316L M M20 * 1.5 N 1/2NPT
VG horn antenna Φ123mm / Stainless steel 316L-site display / programming
X XX with special custom non-B