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  • 智能電磁流量計選型 智能電磁流量計報價

智能電磁流量計選型 智能電磁流量計報價

  • 型號
  • 品牌
  • 所在地北京市
  • 更新時間2018-05-15
  • 廠商性質生產廠家
  • 入駐年限1
  • 實名認證已認證
  • 產品數量110
  • 人氣值2803
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智能電磁流量計選型 智能電磁流量計報價 產品詳情


加入時間:2000-01-19 18:57:25
FFM62 inligentized electromagnetic flowmeter is a stable and precise flowmeter which is developed on the basis of Faraday law of electromagnetic induction and weighted function magnetic field distribution technology. The low-frequency rectangular wave excitation and inligentized transformation technology are adopted to ensure the stable zero and precision of 0.5 grade and repeatability of 0.25%. The flowmeter is applicable to the flow measurement of the conducting liquid and fluid (such as pure water, sewage, all kinds of acidic, basic and salt solutions, slurry, pulp, paper pulp and liquid for food)inside the closed pipes. It is widely applied to the industries including metallurgy, paper making, water treatment, chemical processing, light industry, textile, power and mining.

technical advantages of FFM62 inligentized electromagnetic flowmeter:

 Inligentized transducer adopts the internationally advanced MCU and SMT technology. It is reliable in performance, high in precision, low in power consumption, stable in zero, and convenient for parameter setting. The Chinese LCD in the form of lattice is provided. 

 The high-precision constant current source low-frequency rectangular wave excitation is adopted to ensure the stable magnetic field. It is free from the electromagnetic interference. No vortex effect is generated and the orthogonal and in-phase interference are small. In addition, no polarization will occur. These characteristics will ensure the low power consumption of flowmeter. No heat is generated and the zero is quite stable. No drift will happen and the little pollution will happen to the electrode.

 Inligentized transducer adopts clutter suppression technology to eliminate the clutter compley to ensure the stable measurement. In order to ensure the accurateness in measurement, the function magnetic field analysis is adopted to remove bias flow. These techniques help overcome the interferences of noises from the fluids such as slurry and paper pulp to ensure the stability and accurateness in measurement. It is the greatest advantage of Floworld FFM 62 inligentized electromagnetic flowmeter.

 The electrode lead of the sensor is led out while being kept parallel to magnetic line of force. In this way, the induction current in the circuit of the electrode lead of most electromagnetic flowmeters is removed; the oxthogonal interference and zero drift that result from the unparallelism between the electrode lead and magnetic line of force are overcome to ensure the linearity and precision of the sensor.

 Excitation coil adopts the advanced NC coil winding machine. The coils are automatically controlled through the use of PLC. For the already wound excitation coil, it will be treated with special technology to ensure the constant and uniform magnetic field as well as the repeatability and interchangeability of the sensor, thus ensuring the good precision, linearity and repeatability of the sensor.

Main technical parameters of FFM62 inligentized electromagnetic flowmeter

 Fluid to be tested: conducting liquid
 Precision grade: 0.5 
 Fluid temperature: -25℃~180℃
 Rated pressure: 1.0MPa,1.6MPa,4.0MPa
 Flow rate range: 0.3~12m/s
 Conductivity: ≥5μs/cm
 Material of the pipe to be tested: 304 stainless steel
 Lining: rubber, polytetrafluoroethylene, etc. 
 Electrode material: stainless steel and Hasloy alloys, etc
 Protection degree: IP65 and IP68
 Installation form: clamping connection for DN25~DN300; flange connection for DN350 and above
 Power: 220VAC,50HZ(24VDC optional)
 Output: standard pulse output, 4~20mA,RS485,HART protocol output
 Structural form: integrated and divided
 Electrical interface: M20×1.5
 Explosion-proofing form: common non-explosion proof; explosion suppression (optional)



·精度:0.5 級

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