產(chǎn)品名稱: Oscillatory耐磨性測試儀 Oscillatory abrasion resistance tester
本測試儀適用于測試織物的耐磨性能,評定試樣的斷裂強度,為改良織物提供參考。 The tester applies to test the wear resistance of the fabric, and the rating of the breaking strength of the sample, to provide reference for the improved fabric.
重量 Weight: 80kg
尺寸 Dimensions :長(L) 寬(W) 高(H) 500mm* 500mm* 650mm
標(biāo)準 Standard :ASTM D4157
標(biāo)準配置 Standard Configuration :砝碼 1套 選購件 Selected Accessory 標(biāo)準磨料、金屬網(wǎng)、橡膠塊。