A versatile uniaxial benchtop mechanical tester
The UStretch provides an economical way to carry out uniaxial tests on soft materials. Easy to use software allows the user to define simple or complex force or displacement protocols. The temperature-controlled bath option is ideal for biological and other environment-sensitive materials, while the camera option makes it possible to track and analyze specimen deformation. Multiple attachment options are available, including CellScale’s patented BioRakes.
- Quality, cost-effective testing
- Quick and easy to use
- Multiple attachment options
- Available imaging system and image analysis software toolkit
- Available temperature-controlled media bath and pivot stand
- Specimen Size: 3X3mm to 20X100mm
- Load Cell Capacities (N): 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 4.5, 8.9, 23, 45, 111
- Load Cell Accuracies: 0.2% of capacity
- Max Displacement Rate: 50mm/s
- Image Rate: 15Hz
- Image Resolution: 1280 X 960 pixels
- Max. Temperature: 40°C
The patented BioRake attachment system allows specimens to be mounted quickly and precisely.
<img class="prod-image-sm" data-cke-saved-src="http://cellscale.com/images/our-company/ustretch2.png" src="http://cellscale.com/images/our-company/ustretch2.png" alt="UStretch mechanical clamp jaws/>
Mechanical Grip
The mechanical grip attachment system facilitates higher forces and test-to-failure.
Integrated software makes it easy to specify test protocols, whether simple or complex. Test protocols can be saved and modified. Real-time force and displacement graphing facilitates test validation.
The UStretch software is built on the same platform as the BioTester software.
Imaging System
Optional imaging system and analysis software allows images to be analyzed to verify specimen strains and strain uniformity.