IVATM 110-s |
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Perform Package Moisture and Gas Analysis.... On-Site at Your Facility. Introducing a user-friendly test system for monitoring the quality of your hermetic packaging processes. IVA? Technology was invented by ORS and offers the most accurate and reproducible data in the industry.
The IVA? system is specifically designed for the quantitative analysis of low molecular weight gases contained in hermetic packages, cavities and other enclosures. The Model 110-s concept integrates automated hardware with easy-to-use icon-driven software. Its design permits routine quality control, failure analysis and research level testing operation as a turn-key analytical system.
The IVA? 110-s includes a high-performance, quadrupole-mass spectrometer analyzer, a sample-mounting interface and precision hardware. The instrument is also computer-controlled and equipped with exclusive ORS integrated system control software- which provides instrument control, data analysis, data archiving and ease of operation.
Sample Types Analyzed:
° Microelectronic Components and Multi-Chip Modules
° Fiber-Optic Devices and Sensors
° Light Bulbs, Lamps and Ampoules
° Pacemakers and other Medical devices
° Large-Scale Electronic Devices and Units
° Gas Collection Bottles and Cylinders
(see gas cylinder rental)
° Vials Containing Bulk Material in a Dry Nitrogen Atmosphere
° Voids and Blisters in Processed Metals, Ceramics and Plastics
° Syringes Containing Extracted Gases
° Aerosols
° Mylar Bags and Other Hermetic Packaging
System Capabilities:
° Simultaneous measurement of the concentrations of moisture, sealing
gases, solvents and outgassing products of each device tested
° Positive identification of gases by spectral analysis
° Sensitivity in the parts-per-million range
° Measurement of the relative pressure in each package
° Interchangeable sample mount design for testing a wide variety of
metal and ceramic packages
° Automated calibration, data acquisition and quantitation
° Comprehensive interlock system to protect the unit from power failures,
operator errors and hardware failures
° File management and statistical handling programs
° Quantitative and Qualitative Results
° Adjustable AMU Scan Range (1-512 AMU) and Speed
° Variable test temperature
System Specifications:
° Measurement: Moisture, nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide,
hydrogen, helium, fluorocarbons, hydrocarbons and most solvents to
ppm levels
° Device Types: Cerdips, sidebraze, flatpacks, chip carriers, cerpacks,
TO's, relays, multi-chip modules, lamps and other hermetic enclosures,
pacemakers, fiber optic modules, glass ampoules
° Device Volume: 0.01cc - 20cc and larger
° Sensitivity: Better than 100 ppmv for moisture and better than 10 ppmv
for other gases
° Accuracy: Better than ±10% at 5000 ppmv for moisture
° Throughput: Up to 10 samples per hour depending on sample type
° Spectra Database: Access to a Mass Spectra Database of over
140,000 spectra for assistance in the identification of unknown compounds
Product Markings:
° Conforms to European Directives
° CE marked