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來源:江蘇安科瑞電器制造有限公司   2021年10月08日 15:07  


??Abstract: Ground fault protection for electrical circuits, equipment and electrical fire accidents caused by ground fault currents are increasingly becoming a daily necessity. For the main energy-consuming nodes on the user side, a residual current relay is designed and installed to monitor the residual current status of each energy-using circuit in real time. Through real-time monitoring of energy use and related power parameters, the safety, reliability and maintenance efficiency of energy use are improved, the labor cost of maintenance is reduced, and the unattended monitoring of residual current is realized. Through the real-time monitoring of energy use, data collection and alarm, the residual current in the power distribution system is monitored, and the ground fault protection of the user's electrical circuit is provided to prevent fire accidents and personal electric shock accidents caused by residual current. Here is a brief introduction to the application of our company's ASJ earth leakage relay in the Philippine mine.

??1.項目概述  Project Overview


??The mine factory is located in the Philippines, because the current is very big, electricity supply for mine is special , customers hope that through in the power distribution ark installation of residual current relay to residual current monitoring line, and hope that can be displayed on the display panel real-time monitoring of residual current value rather than setting the ratio of residual current value, the ratio can reach 80% when the residual current relay immediately report to the police. Acrel ASJ10-LD1A with residual current transformer, successfully solve the customer's on-site residual current monitoring requirements. Due to the large current on site, we have communicated for many times on the selection of residual current transformer, and selected the most appropriate residual current transformer for the customer based on copper bar and current specifications.

??2. ASJ系列剩余電流繼電器介紹 ASJ Series Residual Current Relay

??ASJ 系列剩余電流動作繼電器可與低壓斷路器或低壓接觸器等組成組合式剩余電流保護裝置,主要適用于交流 50Hz,額定電壓 400V 及以下的 TT 和 TN 系統(tǒng)配電線路,用來對電氣線路進行接地故障保護,防止接地故障電流引起的設備損壞和電氣火災事故,也可用來對人身觸電危險提供間接接觸保護。

??產品符合 GB/T 22387-2016《剩余電流動作繼電器》的要求。


??ASJ series current action relays can be combined with low-voltage power supplies or low-voltage contactor to form a combined power supply current protection, mainly used for AC 50Hz, voltage and below TT400V devices and TN system piping, in addition to ground fault protection for electrical circuits to prevent ground faults Common equipment damages and electrical failures caused by this can also prevent the danger of personal electric shock and provide direct contact protection.

??The product meets the requirements of GB/T 22387-2016 "Catalyst Current Relay".

??ASJ series sanitary current relays integrate line over-voltage and under-voltage protection functions and automatic additional functions for normal voltage. The product is small in size, high in precision, flexible in structure and easy to install. It is a safety protection device in the field of civil construction.

??3.型號說明  Model description

??Technical features

??Note 3:ASJ10L-LD1A rated residual action current I N is 10mA-30A continuously adjustable;

??Note 4:ASJ10L-LD1A limit non-driving Time N is 0-10S continuously adjustable.

??Types of Products

??Note1:The function of setting for relay means that you can set the initialization and the output of the relay by yourself, which is acted by the dial switch on the panel; the specific setting guide can be found from the table 5.

??Note2:OPTIONAL FUNCTION C: RTU Communication RS485, Model ASJ10L-LD1A/C

??4.剩余電流互感器選型 Model Selection of Residual Current Relay

??5.安裝圖片 Installation picture

??6.總結  Summary


??ASJ series residual current relay has a very high performance-price ratio. As an advanced intelligent and digital residual current monitoring instrument, the residual current relay has been widely used in the incoming line or single-phase or three-phase of the household sub-box of civil buildings. Electric equipment in the power distribution line.


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