產品名稱:防爆應急燈 大號防爆應急燈
產品型號: MK04-D
產品編號: 28605
防爆應急燈 大號防爆應急燈 的詳細介紹
適用范圍 Application
適用于1區(qū),2區(qū)危險場所。 Can be used in Zone 1 and Zone 2 dangerous places.
適用于ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC類爆炸性氣體環(huán)境。 Can be used in IIA,IIB,IIC group explosive atmosphere.
可配裝白熾燈、汞燈。 Suitable ofr incandesent lamp,mercury vapor laamp.
* 要求ⅡC類時請注明
產品特點 Features
鑄鋁合金外客,表面噴塑。 Diecasted aluminium alloy shell with plasticsprayed surface.
應急燈中正常照明燈和應急照明燈各自獨立,適合安 Normal lamp and emergency lamp of the division type are respectively
裝條件許可的場所;照明應急兩用燈,正常照明和應急照明 suitable to the appropriate sites,but the dual-purpose for lighting and
共用一個燈體,光源獨立。 emergency type share a same lampe body,moreover light source is independent.
內裝免維護鎳鎘電池組,在正常供電下自動充電,事故斷 Under the normal power-supplyingcondition,inner Nickel-Cadmium battery
電或停電時應急燈自動點亮。 can recharge automatically,so that the emergency lamp will turn on automatically
when the power ose because of accident or power failure.
鋼管或電纜布線均可。 Suitable for both steelpe and cable wiring.
可根據用戶要求設置試驗按鈕和指示燈具 It can be equipped with test button and indicator according to user's requirement.
符合GB3836-2000,IEC60079標準要求 Suitable for BG3836-2000,IEC60079 standard request.