Swing Check Valves 旋啟式止回閥
Swing Check Valves 旋啟式止回閥
Tank Lorry Ball Valves 槽車球閥
T-Cock 三通
Thin Gate Valves 薄型閘閥
Throttle Valves 節(jié)流閥
Tiny Drag Slow Shut Check Valves 微阻緩閉止回閥
Under Water Pumps 液下泵
Vacuum Pumps 水力噴射器 ( 真空泵 )
Vertical Lift Check Valves 立式止回閥
Wafer Check Valves 對夾式止回閥
Wafer Type Butterfly Valves with Rubber Itning 對夾式襯膠蝶閥
Waste Valves 排污箱 ( 閥 )
Water Seal Gate Valves 水封閘閥
Wedge Gate Valves 楔式閘閥
Y Type and Cylinder Filters Y 型筒型過濾器
Applicable media 適用介質(zhì)
Applicable tempure 適用溫度
Butt Clamp 對夾
Chemical anaiysis 化學(xué)成份
Connecting format 連接形式
Double disc 雙閘板
Flexible disc 彈性閘板
Flange 法蘭
Hoop 卡箍
Inside theread 內(nèi)螺紋
Material chemical analysis and mechanical capacity 材料化學(xué)成份和機械性能
materials 材料
Materials for main parts 主要零件材料
Mechanical capacity 機械性能
Max. Discharging Capacity Z大排水量
Max. Operating Temperature Z高工作溫度
Max. Allowable Temperature Z高允許溫度
Max. Allowable Pressure Z高允許壓力
Model 型號
Name of parts 零件名稱
Nominal Pressure 公稱壓力
Outside theread 外螺紋
Oxidant 氧化性介質(zhì)
Parallet 平行
Reductant 還原性介質(zhì)
Rising stem 明桿
Seat testing pressure 壓力氣密封試驗壓力
Specifications 性能規(guī)范
Strengh testing pressure 強度試驗壓力