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來源:天津天蝶閥門有限公司   2018年08月08日 09:42  

Structure description of Tandy Valve's electric actuator

The electric actuator is composed of motor speed reducer, torque stroke limiter, switch control box, hand wheel, and mechanical limiter. So what's the use each part? Let's take a look.


1. Motor: The motor is a special single-phase or three-phase AC asynchronous motor, with high starting torque, low starting current and small moment of inertia, and therefore has better servo characteristics. The motor stator is equipped with a thermal switch for overheat protection. When the motor is abnormally overheated (internal temperature exceeds 130°C), the switch will control the motor circuit to protect the electric actuator. When the motor is cooled, the switch is turned back on. The circuit resumes work. In order to overcome inertial idleness, the motor control circuit of the electric actuator has an electric brake function.

2. Reducer: The rotary actuator adopts planetary reduction and turbo-worm transmission mechanism, which has high mechanical efficiency and mechanical self-locking characteristics. The reducer of the linear travel actuator is composed of a multi-turn actuator reducer and a screw nut transmission.

3. Torque travel limiter: It is a standard unit set in the reducer, by the over-torque protection mechanism, travel control mechanism (electric limit), position sensor and wiring terminals and other components.

4. Switch control box: In the switch control box is equipped with PM electronic position locator.

5. Hand wheel: In the fault state and debugging process, manual operation can be achieved by turning the hand wheel.

6. Mechanical limit device: mainly used for failure and to prevent over-limit position protection during manual operation. The mechanical limit of the angular stroke electric actuator adopts a built-in fan turbine limit structure, small size, reliable limit; the mechanical limit of the electric actuator adopts a built-in stopper type limit structure, which can effectively protect the valve seat and valve Rod, spool.


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