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ELAG OPTIMESS®激光測量—在鐵路工業(yè)中的應(yīng)用

來源:瑞士ELAG有限公司北京代表處   2008年11月24日 16:33  

(瑞士EL*公司北京代表處 供稿)

Research & development
The defined positioning of the OPTIMESS sensors at the side of the rails allows the positions of the wheel sets inside the rail to be measured at high speeds. With several sensors In a line near to points, Information about the running behavior of wheel sets in points can be gatheredused to optimize guiding within the points. The behavior of the wheel set during travel can be recorded by simultaneous measurement of the railwheel position. Other applications in R&D are the measurements of rail movements, approach measurements when coupling carriages, side inclination measurements of carriagesdetection of the contact wire position.
Unevenness in the rolling surface requires regrinding of the rails. This grinding result in removal of the hardened areas In the rail head not to mention the high Costs incurred. One large rail manufacturer has been using a non-contact measuring system for years. The rolling surface is measured online by laser sensors during production. With a ruler generated in the software the minmax values are determined analogously with manual measurement. Comparative measurements over a longer period have shown that maximum deviations of 0.05 mm occur between both measurements. In addition the rail unevenness is measured at 90° to the rolling surface. The measuring system has been testedapproved by renowned railway companies.
Contact wire measurement
It is important to know the exact positionheight of the contact wire for overhead assembly monitoringoverhead assembly installation. Appropriate non-contact contact wire measuring systems have been developed for the Korean High Speed Railway Corporation (KHRC)the English OLE Alliance. A laser triangulation scanner measures the heightlateral position of the contact wire during travel. Another five laser sensors are installed on the vehicle to measure the inclination of the carriage, the lateral movement of the carriagethe track width. All these data are displayed graphicallylogged. The measuring system operates under almost all ambient conditions (rain, extreme heat or frost).
Rail profile measurement
For classification of the state of wear of the rail headevaluation of the necessary maintenance work, measuring vehicles are equipped with laser sensors in which 5 to 7 sensors per rail side are positioned around the rail head. Measured values are recorded every 20 cm at these points at about SO mphcompared with the nominal profile in the computer. The computer classifies the deviations according to given tolerance values. The movements of the measuring vehicle superposed on the measured values are compensated mathematically in the computer.
Rail cross section measurement
For the necessary regrinding of the rail profile, the profile Is monitored before, duringafter grinding. To do this, either a point measuring OPTIMESS sensor is moved transversely to the direction of travel by a linear unit or laser scanners are used. With the laser scanner the measuring point is scanned along a line over the rail profilea profile cut along the measuring line is obtained. This -rail section. is compared In the computer with the nominal profile to be producedthe grinding parameters are adjusted accordingly.
Wheel profile measurement
The non-contact measurement of the wheel profile enables, fast, contact less measurement of the parameters for the downstream wheel set processing. A laser sensor is moved along the profile by a linear unit to record the profile. The computer picks up the profile by simultaneous recording of the travel distancethe laser distance valuesthen the characteristic variables such as wheel flange thickness, wheel flange height, wheel flange width, qr dimensionwheel gauge are measured. The systems which are also used on tramwaysunderground railways were developed in co-operation with German Railwaysintegrated directly in wheel set processing machines so that pre-dimensioning, machiningpost-dimensioning is possible with one machine. In addition a laser-wheel profile measuring system for the workshop is available.
Wheel set measuring stands
If only the characteristic variables of the wheel profile are determined in the application described above, the use of several sensors on a 2 or 3-axle drive unit allows almost all parameters of the wheel set such as profile, impact, brake disks, flattening etc. to 6e measured. All parameters to be measured are determined, measured automaticallylogged by entering the wheel set Identification. The flexibility of the laser sensor in terms of dimensions, measuring distancemeasuring range also allows the conversion or retrofitting of existing tactile measuring stands.


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