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來源:杭州揚晨泵業(yè)有限公司   2025年02月10日 17:13  








In daily use, it is very important to operate the submersible pump stably, but in actual use, there will inevitably be some problems. Of course, there are often some small problems, as long as they can be dealt with in time. Today, the pump manufacturer will give you a brief introduction of the common problems in the operation of the submersible pump and some solutions.

1. During the operation of the submersible pump, it is necessary to observe whether the water output is normal, including oil consumption, power consumption and packing tightness. If these problems occur, they will affect the stable operation of the submersible pump.

2. The high-speed motor overheats during operation. If you touch the end cover of the motor by hand, it feels too hot for a short time. You need to stop the operation, cool it, and replace another device for operation.

3. During operation, if the submersible pump stops suddenly and the motor has a "buzzing" sound. It may be that the power supply is lack of phase or the main circuit is not completely disconnected, the switch should be pulled immediately, otherwise the motor and equipment will be burned, and then the cause should be carefully found out and eliminated.

4. During the operation of the submersible pump, it is necessary to pay attention to the change of the water level in the well and measure the static and dynamic water level regularly. Now the application of instruments and meters can also have a good understanding of the operation of the submersible pump and can be observed at any time.

The above are the common problems and troubleshooting methods in the operation of the submersible pump, hoping to provide some help to the majority of users.


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