海西州西門子*代理6ES79521AS000AA0 海西州西門子*代理6ES79521AS000AA0
:李 工()竭誠為您服務(wù)
24小時 一三七九五二八九八七三
6ES74001TA010AA0 UR1,18槽,可安裝2個冗余PS電源模塊
6ES74001TA110AA0 UR1,18槽,鋁質(zhì),可安裝2個冗余PS電源模塊
6ES74001JA010AA0 UR2,9槽,可安裝2個冗余PS電源模塊
6ES74001JA110AA0 UR2,9槽,鋁質(zhì),可安裝2個冗余PS電源模塊
6ES74002JA000AA0 UR2-H,2x9槽
6ES74002JA100AA0 UR2-H,2x9槽,鋁質(zhì)
6ES74012TA010AA0 CR2,18槽,2段,可安裝2個冗余PS模塊
6ES74011DA010AA0 CR3,4槽
6ES74031TA010AA0 ER1擴展機架,18槽,只用于信號模塊,可安裝2個冗余PS模塊
6ES74031TA110AA0 ER1擴展機架,18槽,鋁質(zhì),只用于信號模塊,可安裝2個冗余PS模塊
6ES74031JA010AA0 ER2擴展機架,9槽,只用于信號模塊,可安裝2個冗余PS模塊
6ES74031JA110AA0 ER2擴展機架,9槽,鋁質(zhì),只用于信號模塊,可安裝2個冗余PS模塊
6ES74050DA020AA0 PS 405:4A,24/48/60V DC,5V DC/4A
6ES74050KA020AA0 PS 405:10A,24/48/60V DC,5V/10A DC
6ES74050KR020AA0 PS 405:10A,24/48/60V DC,5V DC/10A,用于冗余電源
6ES74050RA020AA0 PS 405:20A,24/48/60V DC,5V DC/20A
6ES74070DA020AA0 PS 407:4A,120/230V UC,5V DC/4A
6ES74070KA020AA0 PS 407:10A,120/230V UC,5V DC/10A
6ES74070KR020AA0 PS 407:10A,120/230V UC,5V DC/10A,用于冗余電源
6ES74070RA020AA0 PS 407:20A,120/230V UC,5V DC/20A
6ES79520AF000AA0 RAM,64 KB
6ES79521AH000AA0 RAM,256 KB
6ES79521AK000AA0 RAM,1 MB
6ES79521AL000AA0 RAM,2 MB
6ES79521AM000AA0 RAM,4 MB
6ES79521AP000AA0 RAM,8 MB
6ES79521AS000AA0 RAM,16 MB
6ES79521AY000AA0 RAM,64 MB
6ES79710BA00 備份電池, 3.6 V/2.3 AH 適用于所有S7-400電源模塊
6ES79601AA060XA0 近距離同步模塊(zui遠距離10米)
6ES79601AB060XA0 遠距離同步模塊(zui遠距離10公里)
6ES79601AA045AA0 同步光纖,1米
6ES79601AA045BA0 同步光纖,2米
6ES79601AA045KA0 同步光纖,10米
6ES71971LA040XA0 Y-LINK, 用于連接單通路DP從站到S7-400H,基于IM153-BA02(不適用于PCS7 V6.1)
6ES71971LA110XA0 Y-LINK, 用于連接單通路DP從站到S7-400H
6ES74211BL010AA0 SM421數(shù)字量輸入模塊, 光隔離,32DI,24V DC
6ES74211EL000AA0 SM421數(shù)字量輸入模塊, 32DI,120V DC/AC
6ES74211FH200AA0 SM421數(shù)字量輸入模塊, 光隔離,16DI,120/230V UC, IEC1131-2 TYPE 2
6ES74217BH010AB0 SM421數(shù)字量輸入模塊, 電隔離,16DI,24V DC,帶0.05 ms輸入延遲,報警,診斷功能
6ES74217DH000AB0 SM421數(shù)字量輸入模塊, 光隔離,16DI,24-60V C,報警,診斷功能
6ES74221BH110AA0 SM422數(shù)字量輸出模塊, 光隔離,16DO,24V DC,2A
6ES74221BL000AA0 SM422數(shù)字量輸出模塊, 光隔離,32DO,24V DC,0.5A
6ES74221FH000AA0 SM422數(shù)字量輸出模塊, 光隔離,16DO,120/230V AC,2A
6ES74221HH000AA0 SM422數(shù)字量輸出模塊, 光隔離,16DO,5~230V AC,5A 繼電器
6ES74227BL000AB0 SM422數(shù)字量輸出模塊, 光隔離,32DO,24V DC,0.5A,帶有15 ms輸出延遲,診斷
6ES74310HH000AB0 SM 431模擬量輸入模塊, 非隔離,16 AI,13 BITS,+/-10V, +/-20MA, 4 ~20MA; 20 ms 模塊更新
6ES74311KF000AB0 SM 431模擬量輸入模塊, 光隔離,8 AI,13 BIT, U/I/RESIST
6ES74311KF100AB0 SM 431模擬量輸入模塊, 光隔離,8 AI,14 BIT, U/I/RESIST./THERMOEL/PT101
6ES74311KF200AB0 SM 431模擬量輸入模塊, 光隔離,8 AI,14 BIT, U/I/RESIST.0.416 ms 掃描計時
6ES74317KF000AB0 SM 431模擬量輸入模塊, 8 AI,16 BIT, U/I/THERMOEL.,,光隔離
6ES74317KF100AB0 "SM 431模擬量輸入模塊, 8 AI,16 BIT, RESIST./PT100/NI100,光隔離,
診斷,報警,20 ms 模塊更新 "
6ES74317QH000AB0 SM 431模擬量輸入模塊, 光隔離,16 AI,16 BIT, U/I/RESIST./THERMOEL./PT100,報警,診斷
6ES74321HF000AB0 SM 432模擬量輸出模塊, 光隔離,8 AO,13 BIT,U/I
6ES74317KF006AA0 前連接器,用于模塊6ES7431-7KF00-0AB0,螺釘型
6ES74401CS000YE0 CP 440-1通訊模塊, 用于點對點連接,1通道,含配置軟件 CD
6ES74411AA050AE0 CP 441-1通訊模塊, 用于點對點連接,1通道,含配置軟件 CD
6ES74412AA050AE0 CP 441-2通訊模塊, 用于點對點連接,2通道,含配置軟件 CD
6ES74501AP000AE0 FM450-1計數(shù)模塊, 2通道,含配置軟件 CD
6ES74513AL000AE0 FM451定位模塊, 3通道,含配置軟件 CD
6ES74521AH000AE0 FM452 電子凸輪控制器模塊, 含配置軟件 CD
6ES74533AH000AE0 FM453, 用于帶伺服和步進電機的定位(3通道),含配置軟件 CD
6ES74550VS000AE0 FM 455 C 控制模塊, 16 通道,CONT.8/16 AI + 16 DI + 16 AO
6ES74551VS000AE0 FM 455 S 控制模塊, 16 通道,步進和脈沖8/16 AI + 16 DI + 32DO
6ES74600AA010AB0 IM460-0發(fā)送器接口模塊
6ES74601BA010AB0 IMF460-1發(fā)送器接口模塊
6ES74603AA010AB0 IMF460-3發(fā)送器接口模塊, zui遠102米
6ES74632AA000AA0 IM463-2發(fā)送器接口模塊, 用于借助IM314連接到S5擴展模塊,zui遠600米
6ES74610AA010AA0 IM 461-0接收器接口模塊
6ES74611BA010AA0 IM 461-1接收器接口模塊
6ES74613AA010AA0 IM 461-3接收器接口模塊, zui遠102米,K總線
6ES74610AA007AA0 終端模塊,用于IM 461模塊
6ES74613AA007AA0 終端模塊,用于IM 461-3模塊
6ES74681AH500AA0 IM電纜,帶K總線,0.75 M
6ES74681BB500AA0 IM電纜,帶K總線,1.5 M
6ES74681BF000AA0 IM電纜,帶K總線,5 M
6ES74681CB000AA0 IM電纜,帶K總線,10 M
6ES74681CC500AA0 IM電纜,帶K總線,25 M
6ES74681CF000AA0 IM電纜,帶K總線,50 M
6ES74681DB000AA0 IM電纜,帶K總線,100 M
6ES74683AH500AA0 IM電纜,帶PS傳送,無K總線,0.75 M
6ES74683BB500AA0 IM電纜,帶PS傳送,無K總線,1.5 M
6ES74921AL000AA0 48針前連接器,螺釘型
6ES74921AL001AB0 48針前連接器,螺釘型,84個/包
6ES74921BL000AA0 48針前連接器,彈簧型
6ES74921CL000AA0 48針前連接器,卡接型
6ES74921CL001AB0 48針前連接器,卡接型,84個/包
6ES74922AX000AA0 10 DIN A4 標簽紙, 顏色:淺色,4個標簽條/張,用于信號模塊
6ES74922BX000AA0 10 DIN A4 標簽紙, 顏色:粉紅色,4個標簽條/張,用于信號模塊
6ES74922CX000AA0 10 DIN A4 標簽紙, 顏色:黃色,4個標簽條/張,用于信號模塊
6ES74922DX000AA0 10 DIN A4 標簽紙, 顏色:紅色,4個標簽條/張,用于信號模塊
6ES79631AA100AA0 "帶有RS232接口的IF963-RS232接口模塊,用于從CP441-AA05到CP441的點對
6ES79632AA100AA0 "帶有TTY接口的IF963-TTY接口模塊,用于從CP441-AA05到CP441的點對點
6ES79633AA100AA0 "帶有RS422/RS485接口的IF963-X27接口模塊,用于從CP441AA05到CP441的點
6ES79021AB000AA0 RS232C - RS232C 點對點連接電纜, 9 針 D 插頭,5 米
6ES79021AC000AA0 RS232C - RS232C 點對點連接電纜,9 針 D 插頭,10 米
6ES79021AD000AA0 RS232C - RS232C 點對點連接電纜,9 針 D 插頭,15 米
6ES79022AB000AA0 TTY - TTY 點對點連接電纜, 9 針 D 插頭,5 米
6ES79022AC000AA0 TTY - TTY 點對點連接電纜, 9 針 D 插頭,10 米
6ES79022AG000AA0 TTY - TTY 點對點連接電纜, 9 針 D 插頭,50 米
6ES79023AB000AA0 RS422 - RS422 點對點連接電纜, 15 針 D 插頭,5 米
6ES79023AC000AA0 RS422 - RS422 點對點連接電纜, 15 針 D 插頭,10 米
6ES79023AG000AA0 RS422 - RS422 點對點連接電纜, 15 針 D 插頭,5 0米
6ES74900AA000AA0 電源插頭,用于 PS405 4A/10A/20A
6ES74900AB000AA0 電源插頭,用于 PS407 4A/10A/20A
6ES74901AA000AA0 槽蓋,用于子機架UR,CR和ER,10片包裝
6ES74901BA000AA0 接線端子,用于模塊,6片/包
6ES74921XL000AA0 "模板前防護蓋套件,用于單槽 S7-400 CPU和FM模塊, 包括1個短型,1個
6ES74922XL000AA0 前防護蓋,用于I/O連接器,5片/包
6ES74922XX000AA0 覆蓋箔,用于信號模塊標簽條,10片/包
A5E00753961 SIMATIC S7-400備份電池盒 (不含電池)
6ES79731HD100AA0 熔斷器備件,用于數(shù)字量輸出模塊 6ES7422-5EH00-0AB0
6ES79642AA040AB0 IF964-DP主站接口模塊, 用于S7-400控制器擴展DP端口
集成在 SIMATIC PCS 7 中的 S7-300 / S7-400 打包裝置
應(yīng)用程序的目標是描述必須如何通過 WinCC (TIA 應(yīng)用程序) 創(chuàng)建一個 S7 程序,以便日后可以集成到 PCS 7 系統(tǒng)中。
例如,用于機械制造商打包裝置的 STEP 7 / WinCC 應(yīng)用程序,一般都創(chuàng)建為 TIA 應(yīng)用程序。這些應(yīng)用程序中有一部分日后必定會集成到生產(chǎn)設(shè)備的控制系統(tǒng)中。為此,必須在創(chuàng)建這樣的應(yīng)用程序時就已考慮到某些組態(tài)規(guī)范。
此外,該文檔還描述需求和必要的組態(tài)步驟,以便創(chuàng)建一個含有滿足集成到 PCS 7 系統(tǒng)要求的 WinCC flexible 應(yīng)用程序的 S7-300/S7-400 項目。該文檔以分步說明的方式描述了必要的方法。
- 適用的編輯器 (AWL,SCL,CFC)
- 選擇該系統(tǒng)的條件
- OS 傳送措施
- WinCC flexible 連接到 CFC 程序
- 整合 TIA 項目和 PCS 7
… 對版本為 V6.0 到 V7.1 的 PCS 7 有效
例如,我們要讀取的數(shù)值為1、2、4、7、8,我至少要選擇1個單位的分辨率,選擇2個單位的分辨率是顯然不行的,因為我們讀出了1這個數(shù)值,則2是讀不出來的,在選擇1個單位分辨率的基礎(chǔ)上,我們讀出來的1與真實的1的誤差就是精度。機床上的數(shù)控系統(tǒng)對于直光柵是有分辨率的設(shè)定的,需要讀取的數(shù)值間隔小于分辨率,機床就有可能會抖動或出錯等。 對于式帶增量信號編碼器,能夠精確的保持串行傳輸?shù)奈恢弥蹬c增量值同步,值確切的對應(yīng)一個增量信號,位置值一定在一個增量信號的正弦周期之內(nèi)。如13位式,帶512線的增量信號,位置間隔158秒,若要讀取兩個碼盤位置中間的一個位置是不合適的,但是,我們可以通過對其所帶的1Vpp增量信號進行細分,如細分100倍,則相當于在兩個位置之間又引入了幾個細分后的位置,我們可以在位置值的基礎(chǔ)上,通過計算細分后的增量脈沖數(shù)而讀取兩個位置之間的一個位置值,如:512線細分100倍,位置1數(shù)值是0,位置2數(shù)值是158,則讀取這兩個位置間的位置可以在位置1:數(shù)值0的基礎(chǔ)上多出一個脈沖則是25,兩個則是25x2=50……但是,帶增量信號的式編碼器本身是不帶細分的,這就要求用戶能自行的對增量信號進行細分處理。
- FTP客戶端:
通過“FTP_CMD”指令塊觸發(fā)FTP指令。CP卡訪問遠程FTP服務(wù)器。 - 使用CPU數(shù)據(jù)的FTP服務(wù)器:
遠程FTP客戶端訪問CP,CP將文件訪問轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)到CPU。例如,一個文件被存儲在CP中,之后CP會將文件內(nèi)容保存在CPU中的相應(yīng)數(shù)據(jù)塊中。 - 使用CP文件系統(tǒng)的FTP服務(wù)器:
除了zui后一個模式之外的所有模式必須使用CPU中的一個結(jié)構(gòu)的數(shù)據(jù)塊。在每個文件DB的開始必須使用預(yù)定義的數(shù)據(jù)類型UDT1 “FILE_DB_HEADER”,該數(shù)據(jù)類型可以從SIMATIC_NET_CP指令庫中找到。
預(yù)定義的數(shù)據(jù)類型UDT1 “FILE_DB_HEADER”的結(jié)構(gòu)
表格 01列出了如下內(nèi)容:
- 預(yù)定義的數(shù)據(jù)類型UDT1 “FILE_DB_HEADER”的參數(shù)。
- 如何使用這些參數(shù)。
- 這些參數(shù)如何通過系統(tǒng)自動設(shè)置。
參數(shù) | 說明 |
EXIST | 該位指示用戶數(shù)據(jù)是否包含有效值。 使用CPU數(shù)據(jù)的FTP服務(wù)器:
LOCKED | 該位保護數(shù)據(jù)塊不被訪問。 使用CPU數(shù)據(jù)的FTP服務(wù)器:
NEW | 該位指示文件DB中的數(shù)據(jù)已經(jīng)通過外部方式修改。 通過使用CPU數(shù)據(jù)的FTP服務(wù)器:
NEW不會自動復(fù)位。必須在用戶程序中手動復(fù)位該位以激活新的外部訪問。 |
WRITE_ACCESS | 用于遠程FTP客戶端的寫訪問。 使用CPU數(shù)據(jù)的FTP服務(wù)器:
ACT_LENGTH | 用戶數(shù)據(jù)的實際長度。當EXIST=1時該值有效。 使用CPU數(shù)據(jù)的FTP服務(wù)器:
MAX_LENGTH | 用戶數(shù)據(jù)的zui大長度:DB的長度減去20字節(jié)的預(yù)定義數(shù)據(jù)類型UDT1 “FILE_DB_HEADER”的長度。在組態(tài)DB時設(shè)置zui大數(shù)據(jù)長度。 |
FTP_REPLY_CODE | 該值只在FTP客戶端模式時有效。FTP服務(wù)器的 check-back信號存儲在該值中;例如在“FTP_RETRIEVE” 或 “FTP_STORE”的情況下。 |
DATE_TIME | zui后一次對文件進行修改的日期和時間。僅當EXIST=1時該值有效。 使用CPU數(shù)據(jù)的FTP服務(wù)器:
如果CP的時間延遲功能激活,DATE_TIME的輸入值即為延遲時間。 |
2013年11月西門子推出了基于S7-400PN-H冗余系統(tǒng)CPU集成PROFINET接口的Modbus/TCP冗余通信軟件包“Modbus/TCP PN CPU Redundant V1”,
1 Modbus TCP通訊概述
1.2 Modbus TCP數(shù)據(jù)幀
1.3 Modbus TCP使用的通訊資源端口號
1.4 Modbus TCP使用的功能代碼
1.5 Modbus TCP通訊應(yīng)用舉例
2 SIMATIC S7-400H冗余系統(tǒng) Modbus/TCP通訊概述
2.1 S7-400 PN-H冗余系統(tǒng)CPU集成PN口 Modbus/TCP通訊機理概述
2.2 軟件包“Modbus/TCP PN CPU Redundant V1.0”使用說明
2.2.1 軟件包“Modbus/TCP PN CPU Redundant V1.0”軟硬件需求
2.2.2 軟件包“Modbus/TCP PN CPU Redundant V1.0”軟硬件需求
3 配置S7-400 PN-H冗余系統(tǒng)通過CPU集成PN口作為Server進行Modbus TCP通訊
3.2 S7-400 PN-H冗余系統(tǒng)及Modscan32軟件組態(tài)
3.3 通訊測試
4 配置S7-400 PN-H冗余系統(tǒng)通過CPU集成PN口作為Client進行Modbus TCP通訊
4.2 S7-400 PN-H冗余系統(tǒng)及Modbus slave軟件組態(tài)
4.3 通訊測試
5軟件包“Modbus/TCP PN CPU Redundant V1.0”*
5.2 通過西門子*服務(wù)中心申請注冊碼REG_KEY
5.3 通過申請注冊碼REG_KEY
5.4 使用注冊碼REG_KEY
內(nèi)容 | 下載 |
S7-400 PN-H冗余系統(tǒng)集成PN口使用ModbusTCP PN RED軟件包的Modbus TCP快速入門 | ![]() |
該條目描述如何從 SIMATIC S7 建立 MODBUS/TCP 連接以及從哪兒獲取更多信息。
STEP 7 (TIA Portal)
可以通過 CPU 集成的 PROFINET 以太網(wǎng)接口建立 SIMATIC S7 300/400 與第三方設(shè)備之間的 Modbus TCP 連接。
產(chǎn)品 | 通訊方式 | 連接 | 支持功能碼 | 訂貨號 |
Modbus/TCP PN CPU | 集成有 PROFINET 接口的 CPU | CPU 集成 PROFINET 接口與第三方設(shè)備 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 15 和 16 | 6AV6676-6MB20-3AX0 |
Modbus/TCP CP | CP 343-1 和 CP 443-1 | S7 控制器通過擴展 CP 343-1 或 CP 443-1與第三方設(shè)備 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 15 和 16 | 2XV9450-1MB00 |
表 1
SIMATIC Modbus/TCP PN CPU 包含在 STEP 7 V13 Update 3 (TIA Portal) 及以上版本中。MODBUSPN 指令可在下面路徑 "Instructions > Communication > Other" 中找到。
SIMATIC Modbus/TCP CP 內(nèi)容包含在 STEP 7 (TIA Portal) V14 及以上版本中。MODBUSPN 指令可在下面路徑 "Instructions > Communication > Communications Processor >MODBUS TCP" 中找到。
每個使用這些指令的 CPU 需要付費購買*,訂購*請當?shù)氐奈鏖T子銷售商,供貨形式包含帶有*碼的軟件注冊表格和安裝 CD,CD 中內(nèi)容需要僅在 STEP 7 V5.x 中安裝,不需要在 TIA Portal 中安裝。Captain Chen Piao while talking to Jenkins, while his penetrating eyes in search of a river. Chen Piao was 16 years old from the river to the wind in the wind, in the more developed early, strong, brave and decisive character. Small fire wheel down the river, Chen float side boat side, and came to the cab Jenkins chat. They looked at the river, sometimes a few finless porpoise playing in the water, not well-known white birds around the small fire wheel upside down, the distant waves shining bright light shining in the sun, the two sides of Castle Peak and small fire round to go, this is really like a dream, everything is so natural, so harmony. Jenkins enjoyed the beautiful natural scenery, mesmerizing: "ah, this place is beautiful." Chen Piao reminded him: "you are not to experience the evil beach to stimulate feelings of it, we have to walk a few minutes later!" "Then I can't miss the golden opportunity or go to the deck to enjoy this wonderful experience."!" Said Jenkins, walking from the cab to the deck of the small fire wheel, and looking ahead. Pibozhanlang small fire wheel rapidly toward the beach for evil, Captain Chen Piao two big eyes staring at a bayonet bayonet practice of warriors, fast to the devil beach, he put the bow in front of the big black lagoon, fast marching. Standing on the deck of the Jenkins suddenly found the little steamer to the field away, he was scared, shouted: "my God, are you crazy? We're going to hit the reef......" Chen drift unmoved, a small fire wheel is still rapid towards the field for the small fire wheel to hit a big moment field, desperate Jenkins decided to throw the helve after the hatchet, he took a deep breath, suddenly from the wheel of fire on the deck of the jump to the big black lagoon, at the last moment, a small fire wheel bow swing smoothly passed large black lagoon. Originally, Chen Piaogang only action is intentional, which he had sailed a beach evil trick, every evil Big Black Lagoon Beach, he always dare to ship in front of a large open field in the field, from the big stone two feet away left the bow, the ship with the waves rushed to the big black on the reef and back to the boat, so that the ship hit a reef will not only through the place near the great black lagoon. Chen drift and use this method too large field hundreds of times, no one missed. Chen Piao looked at Jenkins on the rocks and was stunned: "Jenkins!"......" In the field of Jenkins also desperay shouted: "Mr. Chen, please help me......" The small fire wheeled relentlessly down the stream, where no ship was coming. For five days, passing ships will see a blond blue eyed foreigner standing in the field on the waving to them for help, but no one can save him. Five days later, Jenkins, standing on the rocks, was gone. Because of the death agreement, Chen Piao finally failed to get into court. The rain in the morning, Chen Piao in a grave soil put offerings, murmured: "brother, brother Jenkins died, give you revenge!" Originally, Jenkins is nominally a life-saving doctor, is actually a guy with a commit all sorts, diplomatic immunity, not only the bully, also open to Chongqing to sell opium. Some treat patients in his hospital, he secretly took western medicine to give them doping opium drugs, cure disease, but also addicted, then go, had to go to Jenkins there to buy expensive opium, lots of shining white silver flowed into Jenkins's pocket. Caughtsmokeaddiction people. Is very poor, often broken up, but because Jenkins is a foreigner, and with local authorities, local officials will wink. Chen Piao's brother once injured by accident, came to Jenkins's hospital treatment, but also infected with drug addiction, and eventually sold out all the property for the drug, resulting in his wife ran away from home, took away only two years old son. Chen Piao's younger brother so downhearted, Dutch act to death, such as Chen Piao Jenkins and the younger brother was destroyed in a few families. Since then, Chen Piao hated Jenkins this scourge of our fellow citizens who face the beast, vowed to let him die without the burial ground. Chen heard Jenkins drift love adventure, and dare to cross the beach looking for evil people, he deliberay in the air freezing cold, Jenkins went to the hospital, and finally makes Jenkins on the hook, in addition to harm people.Cherry wake up, found himself lying in the hospital infusion, one side of the boyfriend beam tone, and got up and said to go out to buy her food. Cherry just remembered that she was in a traffic accident on the way. Looking at the back of her boyfriend, she was very happy, and slept in the daze. When the cherry woke up again, but not her boyfriend saw her rival, but she had the good sisters Su Qin, she could not help but embarrassed: had to take beam Zhi, myself but so many scheming! At this point, Su Qin handed a new twist, gloating: "cherry, the car accident, you are proud of the legs, I'm afraid it will leave sequelae.". We have many years of friendship, so we bought a pair of crutches for you......" The cherry had changed her face, and felt the lower limbs. She looked to the door and hoped her boyfriend would come back soon. Su Qin sneer at: "you don't see, Liang Zhi in order to take care of you, make oneself too tired, faint in the road, and now in another hospital lie down?". I'm going to take care of him." Finishing cold out of the ward. Cherry quickly borrow the nurse's cell phone, call Liang Zhi number, the other party has been shut down. Cherry is very worried about Liang Zhihe Su Qin zhongxiujiuhao, vowed to retake Leung chi. She actively cooperated with the treatment, and after a few months, she was able to walk normally. On the day of discharge, cherry came to Sue's dormitory with a pair of crutches. "Thank you for your crutches," said sarcastically. "I'm sorry I didn't use it."." Seeing cherry's legs intact, Sue smiled and took out his cell phone. Cherry see beam sent to Su Qin SMS, just understand everything. Originally, the beam Zhi decides that the cherry can become a cripple, after she wakes up, abandoned her, and turn to pursue Su qin. Su Jean received beam confession message, scolded him for a while, but selfish Liang Zhi or leave the cherry. Su Qin worry cherry cannot stand double attack, intentionally sent crutches, and lied to take care of beam annals, to stimulate the cherry fight, let her live well. Cherry tears, hugged Su Qin: many years ago, they had the good sisters agreed to squeeze in a bed, if two people have a helpless, another is the other side of the crutch. Su Qin, the "rival in love", honored his promise in a special way......The old knife is not a knife, but early old yamen for a line of business, after all, is holding a broken knife head. The old knife who are usually very idle, the prisoner was busy execution in autumn days, the usual salaries are high, can cut the head of both business and bad luck, a blood stained light, so few people willing to do this line. The old town old knife, Lee three is one of the best known, he is not only a knife, and a knife. Lee three parents died early, and his wife and children, and only Brother Lee Sishui. That year, Li Sishui was accused of murder was sentenced to life, cut lijue, yamen another old knife just leave this job, behoove to send to Lee three. At that time, the old city was a sensation, and people wanted to see that Li Shan, who had cut his head and eyes all day, could kill his own brother. On the day of the execution method, huge crowds of people. In the three minute, for the gun rang, I saw Lee three shoulder guillotine knife, embrace old jars, with vigorous strides to the guillotine. He approached Li Sishui, slapping the jars, poured two bowls of wine, holding a bowl to his brother: "four water, you have made the law, Providence will not forgive. Today, you drink a bowl of wine from my brother. I'll take you on the road." Li Sishui finished the wine in tears and choked and said, "brother, wait a minute and give your brother a good time."." Cut open!" The execution officer gave the order, Li Sanshan and kill another bowl of wine, while guillotine knife, with a shout, blood splatter, Lee Sishui beheaded. Onlookers crowd first, and then burst into a burst of applause. Li Sanshan, however, was as heavy as water, without a drop of tear, and turned and strode away. Since then, people have secretly said that the Li three knife ruthless, more ruthless people. Li three exercises a guillotine knife, beheaded countless, old alone, lives alone in a lonely house. A year after the autumn evening, Li Sanshan is home to drink, heard someone knock gently. Open a look, outside the door stood a more than 40 year old woman, still carrying two boxes in hand. The woman opened the door to see the road: "my name is Yun Niang, but you yamen Li Lao Dao?"Li San asked suspiciously, "I'm Li Sanshan. What have you got?"" Yun Niang don't talk, just smile, open the door on the left side of the box, which is "Shuang Zhai building" several exquisite dishes, a pot of good fen; open on the right side of the box, there is a box full of horseshoe silver. Yun Niang wine dishes, and put the money to Lee then next to the front three, Lee three sit face blush. Lee Hill sat, face falling away from him "mother:" you have what I said, "if equivocate please leave my tricks." "Mother stay, then gave a smile:" said Lee knife cold cold heart, beheading does not blink, even kill brother don't shed a tear, did not think so