It incorporates a 2-dimensional detector,thus ensuring high signal-to noise by averaging of 150 detector lines at each single measurement. Even spectra of milli second pulsed light sources, such as those of flash-type solar simulators,can be measured reliably and easily thanks to the global electronic shutter architecture of the sensor and to the incorporated photo-cell opticaltrigger. The SpectroSolar has a entrance diffuser and does not need any extra optical fiber assemblies.The system is factory calibrated inirradian ceusing traceable irradiance standards.
Typical characteristics of the ARCspectro Spectro Solar are:
•Broad spectral range: 400nm-1100nm
•Factory-calibrated for Irradiance measurements
•Ranking of solar simulators to the IEC 60904-9 norm
•Automatic triggering with pulsed-type solar simulators