TH-01, Test Hook Probe(試驗鉤)
| Used on enclosures prior to accessibility testing. The test hook is “hooked” into vents and seams in the enclosure & then pulled with a force (usually 20N). The hook has a hole at its long end, for use in conjunction with a PFI series Force Gauge. Made entirely of stainless steel. |
美國.ED&D產品服務于:IBM ,美國航空暨太空總署,英代爾,蘋果, NCR ,索尼公司,太陽,飛利浦公司,思科, AT&T , Compaq , JVC , Hewlett-Packard ,摩托羅拉, Mattel ,戴爾,3 Com 等公司;專為UL , CSA , ETL , TUV,Demko等試驗室提供檢測產品.