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  • LMI Electronic Chemical Metering Pumps電子化學計量泵

LMI Electronic Chemical Metering Pumps電子化學計量泵 LMI Electronic Chemical Metering Pumps電子化學計量泵

  • 型號LMIElectronicChemica
  • 品牌
  • 所在地
  • 更新時間2023-03-09
  • 廠商性質其他
  • 入駐年限1
  • 實名認證已認證
  • 產品數量1883
  • 人氣值4601

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LMI Electronic Chemical Metering Pumps電子化學計量泵介紹ROYT??RONIC A系列計量泵提供了可靠的設計,控制選項和改善電磁學,以滿足所有的流量/壓力等級。單或雙脈沖輸入或手動4-20 mA輸入控制選項。該生產線包括套圈設計配件,它提出了安全,防漏管連接的新標準
LMI Electronic Chemical Metering Pumps電子化學計量泵 產品詳情
LMI Electronic Chemical Metering Pumps電子化學計量泵
介紹ROYT??RONIC A系列計量泵提供了可靠的設計,控制選項和改善電磁學,以滿足所有的流量/壓力等級。單或雙脈沖輸入或手動4-20 mA輸入控制選項。該生產線包括套圈設計配件,它提出了安全,防漏管連接的新標準

LMI Electronic Chemical Metering Pumps

Introducing the ROYTRONIC Series A metering pump offering a robust design, control options and improved electro-magnetics to meet all flow / pressure ratings. The pumps are available for applications up to 250 psi with capacities between .001 and 2.0 GPH. Single or dual manual control options with pulse input or 4-20 mA input are available. The line includes ferrule designed fittings that set a new standard for secure, leak-proof tubing connections.

Series B and C Chemical Metering Pumps

Series B and C Chemical Metering Pumps have been an industry standard for over 20 years. The familiar yellow and black pumps have a rugged, totally enclosed, chemically resistant housing for protection in the harshest environments. Encapsulated electronics and a rigid housing and stroke bracket ensure years of precise, repeatable performance. Several control options are available for all applications and budgets:

Type “9” control is designed for easy integration into chemical feed systems. The stroke rate may be controlled manually or by an external signal generated by a flowmeter, controller, transmitter, PLC or other device. Divide or multiply a digital (pulse) input or program a response to a milliamp (4-20, 0-20, 20-4, 20-0) input. Remote on/off and low level inputs are standard. The clear liquid crystal display provides the user with operational status. The unique 5-level power control reduces system shock and extends the life of the pump. The optional Digi-Pulse Flow Monitor verifies chemical flow and provides an alarm output.

Type “7” control is designed for more economical systems. The stroke rate may be controlled manually or by a digital input. The optional Micropace Control Modules enable the user to divide or multiply a digital input or respond directly and proportionally to a 4 - 20 milliamp input. A low level input is standard.

Type “1” control is designed for accurate chemical feed where manual or on/off control is all that is required. Dual manual control of stroke speed and stroke length are provided.
Max. Output Max. Pressure Click below for more info
Series AA: 2.0 GPH (7.6 l/h) 250 psi (17.3 bar) Data Sheet Eng. Specs
Series B: 7.0 GPH (26.5 l/h) 150 psi (10.3 bar) Data Sheet Eng. Specs
Series C: 25.0 GPH (95.0 l/h) 300 psi (20.7 bar) Data Sheet Eng. Spec

Series P Chemical Metering Pumps

The Series P Metering Pump is designed for more ecomomical chemical injection. The totally enclosed, chemically resistant housing and encapsulated electronics provide the performance and long life that you've come to expect from an LMI Pump. The compact size and wide range of outputs makes it ideal for OEM applications. Dual manual control of stroke speed and length and fixed speed versions are available for simple manual or on/off control.

Max. Output Max. Pressure Click below for more info
Series P: 2.0 GPH (7.6 l/h) 250 psi (17.3 bar) Data Sheet Eng Spec

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