HP/agilent 8644B 2G高精度型號源
8644B High-Performance Signal Generator, 1 GHz or 2 GHz
The Agilent 8644B signal generator represents the highest overall performance in Agilent''s line of 1 GHz2 GHz signal generators. This generator has very low SSB phase noise -136 dBc/Hzspurious -105 dBc. Instead of mechanical relays, the Agilent 8644B uses solid state components accurate to within 1.0 dB for setting levels. An advanced internal modulation synthesizer provides coverage to 400 kHztwo-tone capability with the selection of sine, square, triangle, sawtooth,white Gaussian noise waveforms.
-136 dBc/Hz SSB phase noise at 20 kHz offset at 1 GHz
< -105 dBc nonharmonic spurious up to 1 GHz allows spurious rejection tests to be fully automated with confidence
±1.0 dB output level accuracy
HP8648A:100kHz~1000 MHz
HP8648B:9 kHz~2000 MHz
HP8648C:9 kHz~3200 MHz
HP8648D:9 kHz~4000 MHz
8560E 3臺 , 8647A 2臺 ,2023B 1 ,
功率計:437B+8482A 4套 ,
無線電綜合測試儀2955B 6臺 2955A /2955R /2955 各3臺